
Tree [6ecc08] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .github 2021-12-04 Devansh Devansh [a0d1ac] Dashboard Page Check Added
 app 2021-12-31 jitendra jitendra [1ac9bc] CORS issue resolve for web form
 bootstrap 2021-04-22 Shubham Mehrotra Shubham Mehrotra [fec620] datagrid updates
 config 2021-12-31 jitendra jitendra [1ac9bc] CORS issue resolve for web form
 database 2021-06-15 Shubham Mehrotra Shubham Mehrotra [533524] readme and db-seeder updates
 docker 2021-09-17 jitendra jitendra [7c66a7] Issue #230 fixed
 packages 2022-01-06 Sanjay Sanjay [481d48] fixed issu #866
 public 2021-05-26 jitendra jitendra [1ca709] Email processing completed
 resources 2021-09-28 devansh bawari devansh bawari [a5e8be] Added Alias And Searchable Key
 routes 2021-12-29 jitendra jitendra [0bd48a] Completed Web Form
 storage 2021-11-23 Devansh Devansh [f7a519] Removed Laravel Excel Storage
 tests 2021-12-07 Devansh Devansh [7b2a1a] Clean Up And Test Case Fixed
 .editorconfig 2021-03-25 jitendra jitendra [ca3e1b] first commit
 .env.example 2021-12-03 jitendra jitendra [4f286c] Updated changelog file
 .env.testing 2021-12-07 Devansh Devansh [58e9a8] Env Testing Added
 .gitattributes 2021-03-25 jitendra jitendra [ca3e1b] first commit
 .gitignore 2021-11-23 Devansh Devansh [a67687] Stubs Removed
 .htaccess 2021-06-01 Shubham Mehrotra Shubham Mehrotra [84a9ff] htaccess file added
 .styleci.yml 2021-03-25 jitendra jitendra [ca3e1b] first commit
 CHANGELOG for 2021-12-03 jitendra jitendra [4f286c] Updated changelog file 2021-06-21 jitendra jitendra [03f523] Update project name
 LICENSE 2021-06-05 jitendra jitendra [f32b87] Readme added 2022-01-04 Devansh Devansh [196da1] Updated Read Me
 artisan 2021-03-25 jitendra jitendra [ca3e1b] first commit
 composer.json 2021-12-29 jitendra jitendra [0bd48a] Completed Web Form
 composer.lock 2021-12-29 jitendra jitendra [0bd48a] Completed Web Form
 package.json 2021-03-25 jitendra jitendra [ca3e1b] first commit
 phpunit.xml 2021-03-25 jitendra jitendra [ca3e1b] first commit
 server.php 2021-03-25 jitendra jitendra [ca3e1b] first commit
 webpack.mix.js 2021-03-25 jitendra jitendra [ca3e1b] first commit

Read Me

Total Downloads

Total Downloads Latest Stable Version License


  1. Introduction
  2. Documentation
  3. Requirements
  4. Installation & Configuration
  5. License
  6. Security Vulnerabilities


Krayin CRM is a hand tailored CRM framework built on some of the hottest opensource technologies
such as Laravel (a PHP framework) and Vue.js
a progressive Javascript framework.

Free & Opensource Laravel CRM solution for SMEs and Enterprises for complete customer lifecycle management.

Read our documentation: Krayin CRM Docs

We also have a forum for any type of concerns, feature requests, or discussions. Please visit: Krayin CRM Forums

Visit our live Demo

It packs in lots of features that will allow your E-Commerce business to scale in no time:

  • Descriptive and Simple Admin Panel.
  • Admin Dashboard.
  • Custom Attributes.
  • Built on Modular Approach.
  • Email parsing via Sendgrid.
  • Check out these features and more.

For Developers:
Take advantage of two of the hottest frameworks used in this project -- Laravel and Vue.js -- both of which have been used in Krayin CRM.


Krayin Documentation


  • SERVER: Apache 2 or NGINX.
  • RAM: 3 GB or higher.
  • PHP: 7.4 or higher.
  • For MySQL users: 5.7.23 or higher.
  • For MariaDB users: 10.2.7 or Higher.
  • Node: 8.11.3 LTS or higher.
  • Composer: 1.6.5 or higher.

Installation and Configuration

Execute these commands below, in order
composer create-project krayin/laravel-crm
  • Find .env file in root directory and change the APP_URL param to your domain.

  • Also, Configure the Mail and Database parameters inside .env file.

php artisan krayin-crm:install

To execute Krayin:

On server:

Warning: Before going into production mode we recommend you uninstall developer dependencies.
In order to do that, run the command below:

composer install --no-dev

Open the specified entry point in your hosts file in your browser or make an entry in hosts file if not done.
On local:
php artisan route:clear
php artisan serve

How to log in as admin:



Krayin CRM is a truly opensource CRM framework which will always be free under the MIT License.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please don't disclose security vulnerabilities publicly. If you find any security vulnerability in Krayin CRM then please email us: