
Kraken XMPP IM Gateway / News: Recent posts

Issue tracker moved!

Howdy folk! I have retired the SourceForge based issue tracker here and replaced it with a JIRA install on my own server. Check it out at:

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2009-11-25

Kraken 1.1.2 has been released!

Hi folk! A quick release -- this one fixes issues that folk who use java 5 were seeing, as well as some contact list issues with MSN.

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2009-09-04

Kraken 1.1.1 has been released!

Kraken 1.1.1 has just been released! It includes a major fix for Facebook support that is required after some changes to the Facebook IM protocol. It also includes a couple of Yahoo fixes.

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2009-09-01

Kraken 1.1.0 has been released!

Hi folk! Kraken 1.1.0 has just been released! It includes a number of new features as well as fixes for existing protocols, most importantly including a fix for the upcoming old Yahoo authentication retirement. I highly recommend updating asap as Yahoo support for the previous version dies around the 15th.

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2009-08-02

Kraken XMPP IM Gateway 1.0.0 Released!

The first version of the Kraken XMPP IM Gateway has been released! This is a continuation of the IM Gateway plugin for Openfire, with slightly different overall goals than the previous project. When you upgrade to Kraken, you will need to remove your existing IM Gateway plugin installation or else Kraken will not start up. You can do this via the Openfire admin console, under Plugins. To install this plugin, download it from SourceForge and then, via the Plugins tab, install the plugin from the local file system. I will attempt to coordinate with to get the release posted off of the primary Openfire plugins site. Also note that Kraken has it's own Forums site at Enjoy and please let me know what issues you run into!

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2009-02-08