
Kourjet Game Engine / News: Recent posts

Update Website + Shadow Mapping

Today I have updated the Kourjet Blog ( with some information about shadow mapping (included in the latest SVN commit) and the level of detail example (LodTest).

Posted by Vincent Prat 2009-11-27

A new beginning

Kourjet is back alive. The development has started again two weeks back with great enthusiasm, it is nice to dive again into engine development and there are many new DirectX 10 features that look very interesting.

Kourjet will (as far as possible) be developed following an AGILE methodology, going small steps at a time and trying to regularly some up with some examples showing the new features.

Since the old files, lots has happened:
- Plenty of bugs have been corrected
- Configuration file support to initialise all modules of Kourjet
- New samples to help getting started with the INPUT and SOUND modules
- Brand new GFX module which will now aim at being API independent (although it is built to stay as close as a DX10 architecture).
- and much more...

Posted by Vincent Prat 2009-11-12

First public release !

I have uploaded the first public version of the library along with some information in the form of a web page.

Posted by Vincent Prat 2004-07-20