
KonsolScript and Game Engine / News: Recent posts

Kage Studio early Beta released!


Since dumping of the backlog last March 2018, finally, I’ve made progress!

This project being open source in nature haven’t implemented everything listed on the backlog. But during our internal testing, I’ve identified top 5 functionalities that needs to be prioritized. And prioritize I did.... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2020-01-15 Labels: kage studio animation tool animation software 2d animation vector animation

Tutorial Basics

I know this isn't the first KonsolScript tutorial ever written but this series reflects the changes made in KonsolScript over a period of time., dig in!

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Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2015-10-13

KonsolScript for Android?


Part of our end goal for KAGE is to see it running on mobile devices. But developing and maintaining Quixie on all devices would be a daunting task for such a small dev team like ours.

So to realize a KonsolScript for Android, on 7th of April, we started writing libKage for Android which is pure Java (again, Java for Android — not the standard Java).

libKage is a framework which would require you to extend upon to create your Android games. It contains functions and function names as if you’re still writing KonsolScript game for Quixie. This way, you can still retain the game logic you wrote for KonsolScript and run it on Android. And vice versa.

Mouse events, or Touch events rather, are already handled for you — except for keyboard inputs. Only the built-in buttons Up, Down, Left, and Right (also known as BU BD BL and BR) are available.

As a demonstration, we did a test on Smack! and here are the screenshots of the result. read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2012-05-30

Kisi on App Store?


Kisi and the gang from Smack! was spotted on Apple’s App Store but not with an iDevice (meaning the iPhone/iPad/iPod stuff) port of Smack!

Last February, a member of Open Game Art community was awed by the cuteness of the gang posted on Open Game Art’s site, that he asked permission to use the sprites (same sprites used in Smack) for his game being developed on iOS.... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2012-05-28

KonsolScript 0.4.120210 released


Second release of the 0.4 series is out. This release packs a single update — the renderer.

With the release of Smack! v0.1, people have been lenient with except for the very low FPS — a comment which we took seriously.

Quixie’s source code have always had conditional compilation for Cairo as an alternative render engine since July 2010 but we were having problem rotating the image from the center. So I’ve decided to finally sit down and search the Internet for proper usage of rotation. It took a longer while searching only to realize that the answer has been staring back at us all along.... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2012-02-12

Smack v0.1 released


Smack! is a simple, free, and open source 2D Fighting game of chibi FOSS mascots created as tech demo for KonsolScript — think of Smack! as Blender‘s Elephant Dreams, Big Buck Bunny, or Sintel for KonsolScript at a smaller scale as we don’t have the resources that Blender Foundation have.

Second half of 2011 was a blast for the development of KonsolScript’s official tech demo. With the game design initially drafted last 2008, it took a long while before we had something coded. It was actually fun to see an animated Kisi, running and jumping around for the first time.... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2012-02-10

KonsolScript 0.4 is out!


We’re proudly releasing the first of the 0.4 series of KonsolScript, v0.4.120110.

Not quite a big improvement over the last 0.3 release but it has gone far since the first 0.3 release last January 2011. For this release, we’ve fixed one important bug with regards to parsing the script that was preventing us from releasing a preview of Smack!.... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2012-01-17

Tux is one angry bird


Below is a screencast of what we currently have on Smack! With Tux eagerly pursuing our ninja pig Kisi, that Linux’ penguin is one certified angry bird.

While two-day game development has become a phenomenon, the Smack! dev team is taking two-months to go from prototype to this and still the game is not quite finish, yet. But we’re getting close to releasing it, although one can always checkout our SVN repo — you just have to install the latest KonsolScript engine (0.3.111117 as of this post).

(I wonder if we can finish a game if we join the Global Game Jam later this month)

~creek23... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2012-01-10

Smack! Mugs


We’ve been trying to find a way of a possible source of funding for the development of this game, Smack! Unlike Blender Foundation’s approach to their open movie projects (Elephant Dreams, Big Buck Bunny, Sintel), pre-selling DVDs with the promised content of the movies source files (texture files, concept arts, even video tutorials, etc) included doesn’t look much viable in our case as I don’t think this game project is such a bleeding edge technology where people will have interest of having a copy of the source files to study “it” themselves.... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2011-12-10

HTML5 Smack!

I know we promised a Smack! pre-release by mid of November. But co-Game Designers, Mark and Uriel are wanting to cook the build a little more to avoid a half-baked demo. But I guess they can’t prevent me from releasing an HTML5 port of the half-baked Smack!

What you get to play in the HTML5 port is basically the same to what we currently have for KonsolScript edition. Except for the difference in the feel of the Jump controls, everything else feels the same (to me, at least ).... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2011-11-27

KonsolScript 0.3.111117 released


Just in time for KonsolScript’s sixth birthday! The sixth and our last release for 0.3 series before we move to 0.4 early next year, which would be in a-month-and-a-half time from now. Here it is!

So what’s so important in this release? This is the Quixie build that is compatible to the on-going patch of KonsolScript Editor. New features includes addition of Array:Pop and String:Split which are already supported in latest KSE. This new functions are provided to complement Net class’ very primitive functionality — this is in preparation of adding multiplayer support for Smack!... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2011-11-17

KonsolScript Editor Update


 was not able to sync news last october regarding Smack!'s planned pre-release date
 see: klzzwxh:0000
 ]] (ValueError('No closing quotation'))
There’s been a demand to have an editor for Quixie. Right now, what we have is the outdated KonsolScript Editor (KSE), which was designed to work with the old KonsolScript engine, FreeKE.

We still don’t have a real cross-platform editor with the same behavior as that of KSE. I myself is still using Geany on Ubuntu — same open source editor I’m looking to custom fit for KonsolScript.

So what I did was to patch up the old KSE — remove code-hints/code-complete on deprecated functions and add new ones. Seems to work fine with latest (unreleased) Quixie. I haven’t created an installer since patching is still in progress, so I’ve setup a Test Builds page which requires anyone to install the old KSE (for FreeKE) installer before patching.

To test KSE, one will have to build the latest Quixie from SVN — if you could wait, I’ll be releasing the latest Quixie next week. Still to try if KSE still works under WINE.

I tried using KSE to further develop Smack!. Screenshot shows how it displays debugging messages from Konsol:Log.

Please note that this is not the same with KAGE Studio, which was promised to be pre-released this month.


Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2011-11-15

Sneak peek at Smack!


KonsolScript’s official tech-demo is starting to shape up after years of delay. Below is the screenshot of the soon to be released game.

Got nothing more to say.

~creek23 (goes back coding Smack!)


Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2011-10-17

KonsolScript 0.3.111009 released

[[[ was not able to sync news last september regarding fourth release to 0.3 series see: klzzwxh:0000 ]]]

( )
Announcing the fifth bug-fix release of the 0.3.x series — an improvement over KonsolScript 0.3.110904 release. The previous version allowed loading and blitting of images with alpha channels less than 255 (0~244) but a bug caused Quixie to crash which occurs when a 0-alpha pixel is being blitted to another 0-alpha pixel. The previous improvement done on the underlying Blitting function (Multiput) has to be fixed… temporarily. Right now, such case is handled by blitting black-pixel instead — this is obviously have to be treated correctly on later versions.... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2011-10-10

First Look at Kage Studio


I wanted to show you what I have been working on for the past couple of months.

Yes. What you see above is the long awaited animation tool for the KAGE platform, called Kage Studio. It was planned to be released this month sadly there’s nothing much of a functionality except for drawing rectangles. Kage Studio will use the Cairo-rendering KonsolScript engine, Quixie_Cairo. Like Quixie, FreeKE, and KonsolScript Editor, Kage Studio will also be open source. Still deciding over which license to use. GPL, LGPL, or MIT.... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2011-08-23

KonsolScript 0.3.110724 released

(Sorry for late post here on SourceForge)

We’re proud to announce the third release of the 0.3.x series, KonsolScript 0.3.110724. This is partly a bug-fix release because of the bug found on loading PNG files on Windows 7. Because of this, the new way of creating transparent PNG files for Quixie will be as shown in the screenshot.

Make sure that “Save color values from transparent pixels” is checked and transparent pixels are “magenta” (#FF00FF) if opaque.... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2011-08-15

MVP for KonsolScript

I was happy to receive an email from MasterBranch ( that I won the Most Valuable Player of the project KonsolScript. (

I guess this has been the first time that my efforts on the project was recognized by other organizations since Ohloh specifically recognizes a project based on the analysis on the project source code. But one thing has to be cleared is that, for more than five years of developing KonsolScript, lots of hackers once came to lend a help. These hasty but feisty hackers were so openly embracing the idea of giving, idea of helping the needy, that they provided hackish snippets (MultiPut, and Pixel-perfect Collision detection written in ASM), and open libraries (FBGfx, FBPNG, ChiSock, not to mention people involved in writing zLib, Cairo), With special mention, to the people who wrote FreeBASIC… so average developers like me can use them to build stuff.... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2011-07-11

KonsolScript 0.3.110508 released

KonsolScript 0.3.110508 has been released. This is the second release of the 0.3.x series. This is more of a bug-fix release. Still quite a significant release given the improved performance when using User-Defined Types.

Please keep in mind that it is a post-alpha, pre-beta release which has been for a long time. If you find a bug, please report it to help us fix them.

For this release, we offer installer for Windows ( and Ubuntu ( Although, it seems that Ubuntu Software Center have become strict with installation of non-Ubuntu or third-party software. I was having a problem installing Quixie. For now, you will have to install it via terminal, like I did:... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2011-05-10

Kaisen: Role Playing Tank Game

The tank game project has been baptized. Everyone say hello to Kaisen!

Kaisen will be an open source, cross-platform, multiplayer role playing tank game licensed under GNU General Public License v2. The source code and its corresponding binaries will be available at Google Code (

It’s finally decided that the game will be written in game industry’s standard programming language… C++. Thus, more colleagues will help in the development of Kaisen giving me more time to finish libQuixie. :)... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2011-05-05

Announcing the Tank game project

A colleague, Mark, was interested to make a tank game so much that he drafted a Game Design Document with information more than enough to start creating a prototype.

The very core concept is a Defense of the Ancients meets Battle City. In case you’re not aware of Battle City, it is a top-view 2D game about tanks defending a base from enemy’s (AI’s) tanks. Battle City was a console game from the 80s — a real retro game you can say. Lucky for you, you can try and play Battle City right in your browser with the help of a Java NES emulator called vNes.... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2011-04-12

Internals of libQuixie

It’s been (at least) 9 months since I started prototyping libQuixie, the will-be KonsolScript scripting engine supporting Object-Oriented Programming.

As much as I’d like to implement it in C, String-handling with dynamic memory allocation kept me from any progress.

Having been convinced by Gnash developer Rob Savoye, I decided to use C++ instead, which indeed made the progress to move forward.

Still wanting to support C, I designed the C++ code to be easily ported/adapted by C programmers. But having been working on-and-off on libQuixie with C++ for about 4 months, the whole code seems to be a mess. So I decided to draw a diagram of how things work inside libQuixie, which would hopefully help get a better visualization of its inner workings.... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2011-02-28

Flash-compatible vector curve

As you would already know, Quixie is using Cairo for rendering vector graphics. Flash is using Quadratic Bezier curves while Cairo uses Cubic Bezier curve.

After implementing Quadratic Bezier curve, I tried creating a heart and a circle for a simple Valentine’s Day demo, until I noticed something. The image on the link below displays the progress made to Quixie to draw a vector curve that is similar to how Flash renders a curve.... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2011-02-04


My employers sent me to the company’s India headquarters for three months business stuff. This will make me miss Global Game Jam at Manila ( for the second time. I’ve been wanting to have this opportunity to use KAGE is such event.

According to our project page at SourceForge (, statistics show that India is top 13 visitor of KonsolScript. Now, I was thinking of meeting some game developers here at India ( Maybe there’s a GGJ event somewhere here in Bangalore as well. It would be nice to join one.... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2011-01-22

KonsolScript 0.3.110102 released

After more than a month of delay, we are finally releasing KonsolScript 0.3.110102 — the first official distribution containing Quixie; yes we are deprecating FreeKE.

Been having a problem debugging the build for GNU/Linux, thus only an installer for Windows is made.

The source code is released as well.... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2011-01-03

Quixie now supports Net class

Another milestone for the Quixie project — the support for Net class, partially compatible to FreeKE’s implementation.

FreeKE was using DirectX7’s DirectPlay while Quixie is powered by cha0s’ free ChiSock network library. Quixie’s network capability runs on User-Datagram Protocol (UDP).

This means that one can create a real-time multiplayer game. Of course, everything is preliminary for now — the API could change; we also plan to exploit ChiSock in the built-in game engine of Quixie itself and not just in the scripting level.... read more

Posted by Mj Mendoza IV 2010-11-30