
KoLmelion / News: Recent posts

KoLmelion 0.5.4 released

It's been a good run.

This is the last version of KoLmelion. holatuwol's KoLMafia is better written, and there's no sense in having two clients. I give my
heartfelt thanks to everyone who used the program, provided feedback, donated, and stayed patient with me as the program morphed
over time.

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed item reporting code to catch multiple item drops ("you acquire some items:")
- Fixed a proxy bug if user didn't need network credentials
- Fixed hermit code to match Jick's changes
- Fixed 0 hitpoint error
- Fixed duplicate buffs bug
- Fixed 404 error on login
New Features:
- Added "New Events" feature
- Added Typical Tavern (rats quest)
- Added (limited) Help file
- ???
- Individual adventure summaries now auto-open and close as they are run
- Added store management... read more

Posted by Papa Zito 2005-02-18

KoL Radio Tuner 1.2 released

This release is mostly for those who want to listen to the Jick & Mr. Skullhead show on a mirror instead of the regular ShoutCAST stream.

The changes:

- Added "Stop Visualization" feature
- Made stream URL into a variable & added box to UI so users can use Shoutcast mirrors
- Added About form to give credit where it's due
- Fixed bug where stopping radio while recording would not stop recording timer
- Visualizations box now clears when playback is stopped

Posted by Papa Zito 2005-01-27

KoLmelion 0.5.3 released

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug where aborted adventure results weren't sorted
- Inventory "Take" command used Put text field instead of Take text field. Fixed.
- Fixed bug that reported effect gains as item gains
- Fixed a bug that caused an error message if no items or stats were gained while adventuring
- Fixed daychilde's extremely well-documented cascading errors issue caused when Login form encounters an error
- Fixed meat reporting code to work with Jick's new closet
- Auto-expand adventure summary failed if app was minimized. This is now fixed.
- Fixed tabbing in Settings form
- Fixed file save code if user hadn't logged in yet
- Fixed a minor cosmetic issue to reset status message on logout
- Fixed a bug in Haiku dungeon that reported a level gained when it, um, didn't
- Fixed a bug that caused the character sheet to crash if the base stat values didn't have a space (like they normally do)
- Fixed a bug if only one recipient in send message form that caused a crash
- Fixed a bug where minimizing then reopening Melion without having run adventures caused a crash
- Not having anything in the closet caused the Inventory form to crash. This is fixed.
- And fixed the similar nothing-in-your-inventory crash.... read more

Posted by Papa Zito 2005-01-25

KoLmelion 0.5.2 released

Some confusion has come up about the nature of this program. KoLmelion is BETA software. Beta software is software
that is stable enough to be tested, but may have serious bugs lurking under the hood. This means that through my
extreme talent/incompetence, it is possible for KoLmelion to do things that may be damaging to your character. Use this
software at your own risk. That said, the author will make every reasonable attempt to compensate for damage done to a
character should something disasterous occur.... read more

Posted by Papa Zito 2004-12-29

KoLmelion 0.5.1 released

Changes in this version:

Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug in item parsing code when multiple objects received (this was what was killing
shore adventures)
- Fixed bug in lose stat/hitpoint code (which was killing the program on fumbles)
- Fixed bug where multiple major stat gains weren't reported in summary
- Fixed bug in login form that prevented "Logging in to KoL" message from displaying
- Fixed bug where autodetect server option wouldn't use proxy settings
- Fixed bug that caused tray icon to stay black... read more

Posted by Papa Zito 2004-12-22

KoLmelion 0.5.0 released

Why jump from 0.3.9 to 0.5.0? Why not?

Bug Fixes:
- Added much better code to catch adventure results. (Should be far fewer write-file
errors, like visiting the Peak without protection, or the Palindome without the right item)
- Added checks for non-numbers for several of the loop textboxes
- Split code between items that can and can't use multiple to prevent losses

New Features:
- Added the Adventure Summary feature
- Added Hermitage support
- Added Take & Use feature to inventory form
- Added server logged into on the main form... read more

Posted by Papa Zito 2004-12-16

KoLmelion 0.3.9 released

Due to Realtime constraints, and the state of the program as it stands now, I'm releasing this before I'd like to. However, it does have a couple new things, and fixes some big holes that should make everyone's experience much, much nicer.

New features:
- Arena support added
- Added percentage adventures done to notify icon tooltip

Bug fixes:
- Fixed mine cave-in bug
- Fixed crash in character sheet if user didn't have any effects
- KoLmelion now checks for server overload, nightly maintenance, and lost sessions on EVERY request
- Added catch for adventuring at the tavern without 100 meat
- Fixed a bug where you lost a chewing gum after every sewer adventure instead of just the first time around
- Added a fix for Options.vb. If the user couldn't load their saved options, it now provides a default. This is a potential fix for the new infinite-loop-on-fumble bug.
- Cleaned up the code that handles battles at logon
- Cleaned up error-handling code at logon. Errors saved to disk would try to use character name, which obviously wouldn't work since the whole reason the error was generated was because of an error at logon.... read more

Posted by Papa Zito 2004-12-06

KoLmelion 0.3.8 released

0.3.7 was The Evil Bugs Strike Back.
0.3.8 is Revenge of the Nerd.

New Features:
- Split the Misspelled Cemetary adventures into pre- and post-cyrpt
- Added character name to error messages
- Added support for outfits
- KoL message now shows in item use results
- Added autodetect fastest server feature

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug where character name, id, and equipment weren't refreshed on logout
- Fixed selling message
- Changed login code to explicitly look for "early battle exit" error instead of defaulting on else
- Added try...catch to Options.vb so Melion doesn't just bomb out on errors
- Added check for >0 in Eat/Drink form
- Added check for "too full" message in Eat/Drink form
- Fixed character crash on login
- Fixed "error in row" Access error
- Fixed a bug where the inventory load functions were improperly named... read more

Posted by Papa Zito 2004-12-01

KoLmelion 0.3.7 released

This is a quick release because Thanksgiving is almost upon us. Since I won't be doing any work on this for the next few days, I thought it best to get this out into the public. Enjoy.

New Features:
- Added pwn Crapstorm option. Muahahahah
- Completely revamped character sheet. Added equipment & effects.
- Added moxious maneuver support.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug where campground could only be opened once per session
- Reagent and Noodles buttons now greyed out if you can't use them
- Bug in familiars form that didn't allow it to autoresize for different font sizes fixed

Posted by Papa Zito 2004-11-24

KoLmelion 0.3.6 released

Lots of changes in this version.

Bug fixes:
- Added potential fix for https proxy problem
- Added Refresh option to menu... hopefully that helps the disappearing buttons issue
- Fixed proxy settings to allow for open proxies
- Error when losing an adventure fixed
- Fixed a bug where the Go! Adventure button stayed disabled if character had 0 hp

New features:
- Palindome added
- Added ability to have different settings
for different characters
- Added Campground form
- You can sell from the inventory form now
- Use item output changed to treeview
- System tray icon now blinks when adventures are done
- Direct buffing (without list) added + other minor changes to form... read more

Posted by Papa Zito 2004-11-18

KoL Radio Tuner 1.1 released

Probably the last release unless someone else wants to take it over or a major bug crops up. This version just adds the song title & Shoutcast server load information to the display.

Posted by Papa Zito 2004-11-09

KoL Radio Tuner 1.0 released

This is an offshoot of the KoLmelion project. It allows you to listen to radio KoL without having to log in to KoLmelion. It also allows you to save Radio KoL streams to a local file.

Posted by Papa Zito 2004-11-08

KoLmelion 0.3.5 released

0.3.5 was released just 2 days after 0.3.4 to address the server login problem. KoLmelion wouldn't be able to access KoL if the www server was down. Now users can pick which server to login to.

Posted by Papa Zito 2004-11-03

KoLmelion 0.3.4 released

This release is mainly bug fixes and other things to make the program more stable.

New features:
- Proxy support
- Added character name to file saves
- Added numeration mechanism to error saves
- Added sewer support (normal & clover)
- Added Settings form (can save to disk)

Bug fixes:
- Fixed "error when closing Login form before login" bug
- Fixed bug where character names in title bars didn't change on logout
- Fixed infinite loop bug when trying to vacation without a meat car
- Fixed chat link stuff
- Fixed character sheet bug (crashed on slow connections/heavy traffic)

Posted by Papa Zito 2004-11-01

KoLmelion 0.3.3 released

New features:

- System tray icon now has context menu
- Adventures report now has menu:
- Expand/collapse adventure results
- Save to text file
- Save to XML file
- Added Dungeons of Doom adventure
- Radio KoL support (does NOT need WinAmp)

- Improved Chat
- Added character name to titlebar of all forms & system tray icon
- Added code to handle lost sessions, being tossed to the map, bad parsing

Posted by Papa Zito 2004-10-27

KoLmelion 0.3.2 released

New to KoLmelion:
- Added Pause/Resume/Abort adventure ability
- Casino adventures added
- Chat added (still buggy)

Fixed in KoLmelion:
- Checks drunkenness before adventuring
- All forms (should) now appear in the taskbar
- All buttons (should) now grey out to prevent multiple clicks
- Fixed eat/drink reporting code

Posted by Papa Zito 2004-10-22

KoLmelion 0.3.1 released

The release has the following added features/bug fixes:

- Checks to see if character has more than 0 hitpoints before adventuring
- Added better error messages
- Fixed Pastamancer buff target bug
- Added multiple item use functionality
- Added logout option

Posted by Papa Zito 2004-10-18