
Knowtator / News: Recent posts

source code moved to sourceforge

The source code for Knowtator has been moved from a local cvs repository at the University of Colorado Denver to the sourceforge subversion servers. This will facilitate collaborative development and make it easier to distribute incremental changes.

For details on checking out Knowtator's source code please see:

To browse Knowtator's subversion repository online please see: read more

Posted by Philip Ogren 2008-08-21

Knowtator 1.7.1 removed

If you downloaded version 1.7.1 you may have noticed a most heinous bug that was introduced into this version that makes it impossible to begin a new annotation project. We are working hard to resolve this problem and will will release a new version as soon as we do. Please use version 1.7.0 for now. Thanks.

Posted by Philip Ogren 2007-11-29

Full text annotation support coming to Knowtator 1.5

I have started using the 'Group' attribute for bugs and feature requests for Knowtator related tickets. If you want to see which bugs have been or will be fixed for version 1.5, then just select the group category "knowtator 1.5". Same holds for the feature requests.

In summary there are many layout changes and other UI changes to faciliate full-text annotation (documents larger than a couple of sentences.) Please check out the feature requests tracker, select group "knowtator 1.5" to see what's coming soon.

Posted by Philip Ogren 2007-04-13

New addition to BioNLP - the Protein Interaction Corpus

The Protein Interaction Corpus (PICorpus) is a annotated corpus of statements about protein interactions taken from MEDLINE abstracts. This corpus is offered here in WordFreak and Genia-style embedded XML formats. It is a refactored version of the original corpus created at the Protein Design Group at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.

This corpus can be used for protein entity identification, relation identification, and information extraction.... read more

Posted by Helen-Johnson 2006-05-31

Knowtator exports to XML

Releases after 1.1.2 can now export annotations to XML. The format is similar to (and inspired by) that of the WordFreak format but is different to accomodate differences in the underlying data model for annotations. The inverse functionality - importing annotations from xml - will follow.

Posted by Philip Ogren 2006-02-13

Knowtator on the Mac

Instructions for installing Knowtator on the Mac are now available at Thanks to Zhiyong Lu for providing them!

Posted by Philip Ogren 2006-02-07

Where is Knowtator going?

For those of you who have downloaded and installed Knowtator I would like to say thank you for your interest. I am interested to know who you are so please drop a line and tell me who you are. I would also like to know if you think you might use Knowtator for an annotation project - or if there are specific things that you find lacking in this tool. I realize that this tool is missing a lot of bells and whistles that will make executing a real text annotation project possible and easy. I thought I would take a moment to describe where Knowtator is going. ... read more

Posted by Philip Ogren 2005-08-11

Knowtator in Protege 3.1

Knowtator is not running smoothly on the 3.1 version of Protege. I am presently looking into the cause of this and will post an updated version recommendation when available on the install page. Please see the installation instructions on the Knowtator webpage for current version recommendations. Thanks!

Posted by Philip Ogren 2005-07-21