
cannot open project

  • Louis Nenda

    Louis Nenda - 2012-01-23


    in the last days i annotated 250 abstracts. today suddenly, without changing anything, i could not open the project anymore.
    the knowtator.pprj is still located in the same directory, the path is fine, then i changed the max memory to -Xmx1024m, still no project, the program window stays blank (without showing the knowtator menu), nothing is in the logfiles….

    when i create a new knowtator project, everything seems fine, and protege works normal.

    i use Protege v 8.0 with knowtator 1.8 on a macbook pro, os 10.6.8

    any suggestion will be appreciated, thank you!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-01-25

    When you start Protege/knowtator, you should see an associated console window (of the Terminal application on a Mac). Look in the console window to see the trace information Protege records. You can email me the trace information to me if you want.

    There is no Protege v 8.0, as far as I know. Protege version numbers are either 3.x.x or 4.x. Knowtator works with Protege 3.3.1, to the best of my knowledge.


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