
Text that displays for spanless annotations

  • kevin_b_cohen

    kevin_b_cohen - 2006-09-05

    Can you specify what text to display for spanless annotations in Knowtator?  Right now, if I have an annotation with no text span, I see something that seems to be a unique identifier for the instance, followed by the class that it belongs to (in parentheses), e.g.

    kevins-project_Instance_91277 (Molecule)

    I think I might prefer to just see the class for such spanless annotations.  Is there some switch I can set to try out different display options?

    • Philip Ogren

      Philip Ogren - 2006-09-08

      Yes.  The display of an annotation is highly configurable - is actually pretty cool, I think.  To change the displayed text of annotations of a particular class, do the following:

      1) Click on the Protege instances tab.
      2) The left hand side of the interface provides a class hierarchy.  Navigate to the class of the annotations that you want to configure the display of and select it in the class hierarchy.
      3) The middles pane of the instances tab is labeled 'Instances Browser'.  The upper-right-hand corner of this pane has a dropdown menu invoked by a button with an triangular icon.  Click on the upside down triangle, and navigate to "Set Display Slot->Multiple Slots...". 
      4) A dialog labeled "Multislot Display Pattern" appears.  The best way to understand how this dialog works is to experiment with it.  The drop downs will allow you to display the slots in whatever order you want.  The text fields provide a place to enter some text you want displayed. 

    • kevin_b_cohen

      kevin_b_cohen - 2006-09-08

      Thank you for giving detailed directions!  They worked for me up to this point:

      3) The middles pane of the instances tab is labeled 'Instances Browser'. The upper-right-hand corner of this pane has a dropdown menu invoked by a button with an triangular icon. Click on the upside down triangle, and navigate to "Set Display Slot->Multiple Slots...". 

      "Set Display Slot" is grayed out for me....


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