Ira Goldstein - 2012-03-12

I have an annotation schema that contains multiple, independent, root nodes.  For example, given the text:
     It was a dark and stormy night, but then the love of my life entered the room.

We would tag each word with its POS:
     PRP/ It  VBD/ was  DT/a ….

and would also tag phrases with sentiment polarity:
  _ It was a dark and stormy night  _ might be tagged as negative, while    but then the love of my life entered the room   might be tagged as positive

We have both POS and Polarity as root nodes, and are able to annotate the words with the POS and the phrases with Polarity.    While we can click on a word and select the POS or Polarity, it is awkward when trying to review the annotations. All too often, the Polarity is "on top" of the POS.

Is there a way to toggle the display of a given root node on and off?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.