Aravind Tallam - 2010-03-11

Dear All,

I had been successful in extracting the annotattions from the knowtator project using ExtractAnnotationsFrom Knowtator with the version 1.8 and when i used the project file created in Knowtator version 1.5, i encountered an error:
"SEVERE: non-existent slot: knowtator_text_source_annotation - Parser.recordError()
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: non-existent slot: knowtator_text_source_annotation
at edu.uchsc.ccp.knowtator.util.ProjectUtil.examineErrors(
at edu.uchsc.ccp.knowtator.util.ProjectUtil.openProject( "
I couldnt make out what these errors are and why they occur. Is it because of the change in Knowtator version?…. it would be grateful if someone can help me in this regard. Loking forward for your reply.

Thanks in advance,