
Knowtator 1.4 - docs out of date, etc.

  • Philip Ogren

    Philip Ogren - 2007-02-16

    I released a new version of Knowtator today - 1.4.  Please see the change log for special notes / warnings for this new version.  There are also a passel of bug fixes and feature requests that are now closed for this version. 

    In particular the install/update procedure has been radically simplified and so has the corresponding documentation.  However, I am unable to post the updated documentation (there are several other updates to the docs as well) until the service is back up.  It has been down since Feb 12, 2007 and is not expected to be up again until Feb 21st.  I will post the updated docs as soon as I am able. 

    • Philip Ogren

      Philip Ogren - 2007-02-24

      The service came back up this afternoon.  I have updated the installation and update docs accordingly.


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