
#30 some suggestions

General (12)

- allow retraction of the very first move and the very
last one (e.g. after checkmate).

- allow retraction in human vs human games

- an option to switch colors after games

- i don't seem to lose by time vs a computer opponent?
is this a bug, a feature ;) or yet to implement?

- changing the strength of the computer opponent is by
no means obvious, instead of opening a new window those
option should be present in the "New Match" window

- an option to turn off the slide show which begins
once a game in the pgn overview is actually clicked.
instead load the whole game at once.

- knights remembers the last sort option in the pgn
overview, which makes it impossible to restore the
original order in the pgn file. maybe another column
could be added, which just enumerates the games found
in a pgn file.

- maybe this one does not match the design goals of
knights and maybe implementation is not even possible.
anyway, id like to arrange the pieces freely and then
let the engine take over. actually it would be nice if
an engine could take over at any point of any game.
this would allow for a host of other cool features :)

- shortcut for switching between different tabs (in the
main window) maybe ctrl+pgup/pgdn

- shortcuts again: pgup/pgdn doesn't work for me (i
think the default action should be to forward/rewind x
moves), also home/end should switch to the first/last move

thats it for the moment :p

thanks for such a nice program,


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