Grupo Contextos - 2011-10-31

Communication mechanism with the community


There will be a forum open only to developers, dedicated to resolve queries for different developers. In forums are the "Developers" and "Open Discussion" open for questions on KMART software, either code or comments for improvement.
There is also a mailing list dedicated to developers, which will be releasing updates, comments, responses to inquiries and information about the community of software developers.
To subscribe to the developer mailing list follow these steps:

    1. Go to page:
    2. On this page fill in the blanks with the necessary contact information.
    3. Send information, by clicking the "Subscribe" button.
    4. The administrator of the mailing list to process the information and be responsible for accepting the subscription.

There will be an open forum for users only, dedicated to resolve queries about the functionality of the system by users. In is the forum "Help", open for consultation on the software KMART either functionality, custom development or product suggestions.
There is also a mailing list dedicated to users, which will be releasing information on updates, comments, responses to inquiries and information about the community of software developers.
To subscribe to the mailing list users follow these steps:

    1. Go to page:
    2. On this page fill in the blanks with the necessary contact information.
    3. Send information, by clicking the "Subscribe" button.
    4. The administrator of the mailing list to process the information and be responsible for accepting the subscription.

Support mechanisms for the community


    Bugs: Exclusive section for tracking bugs found by users and developers community. In this section the system development team can provide a more effective monitoring of application errors, found by the community.
    Feature Requests: This section is exclusively for tracking features that users suggest to be added to the system, for example: features, improvements, etc..
    Patches: This section will be published patches to fix the system.
    Support Requests: This section tracks support requests to the community.

Freshmeat (Freecode)
You can also find a way to get support in this site. However, this only has tickets submition to communicate with the development team. Visit .On the right side near the logo, you can see the option "Report problem" and in this state a subject and text detailing the consultation to be undertaken.

Tracking Bugs
For all reports of errors or Bugs that are made, the team will track them all taking into consideration the following aspects:
    1. The reports will be reviewed at the end of each day, according to GTM time - 6 to Central America. Failure to do this, the team will proceed to build this for the end of the week for a full review
    2. The reports will be evaluated by one or more members of the development team, and given priority based on level of importance that have (at the discretion of the developer who evaluated). In case of two or more bugs with the same level of relevance, priority will be given to which was is reported first.
    3. All changes made as a response to reports, will be launched at the end of the month. If not performed according to the time, I will be left for the next release.