

Daniel Povey Carl Pupa

Kluster: tools and documentation for creating GridEngine/NFS clusters on EC2 with Debian.

Updated (Jun 4, 2015), using Debian 7 images.

The kluster project consists of documentation and scripts to help you set up a cluster on Amazon's EC2, based on Oracle GridEngine and directories shared with NFS. Our scripts run on top of Debian Linux.

We do not aim to completely automate the process (for that, you might want to consider the StarCluster software). We cater to the user who wants a little more control, and who is willing to learn the basics of UNIX system administration.

Getting Started with Kluster
Obtaining your Amazon Web Services (AWS) keys
Setting up a security group
Creating a key-pair
Creating a Debian Linux Instance
Customizing your Image (Phase 1)
Customizing your Image (Phase 2)
Spawning the Master Node
Attaching EBS storage
Adding a user
Things remaining to do

This project is maintained by:

Project Admins:


Wiki: AddingNodes
Wiki: AddingUser
Wiki: AttachingEBS
Wiki: CreatingInstance
Wiki: CreatingKeyPair
Wiki: CustomizingImage1
Wiki: CustomizingImage2
Wiki: GettingStarted
Wiki: GettingYourKeys
Wiki: SecurityGroupSetup
Wiki: SettingConfig
Wiki: SpawningMaster
Wiki: ToDo