
Change size of Klavaro window

  • Zeeshan

    Zeeshan - 2016-09-18

    I have installed Klavaro on RasbperryPi3 and am trying to use on various CRT TVs. The goal is to distribute these as educational computers in Bangladesh.
    Unfortunately, it seems that the Klavaro window is too big for use on a CRT TV screen smaller than about 20 inches with standard RPi3 settings. The Klavaro window becomes so big that the buttons at the bottom of the screen can no longer be seen. The window closing button on the upper right of the screen also can't be seen. This creates a problem for the user, who is unable to use a mouse to close or use Klavaro and has to quit the application with a key command or computer reboot.
    Is there a way to modify the default size of the Klavaro window?


  • Felipe Castro

    Felipe Castro - 2016-09-21

    For now, no way to change this. You could use the Alt+mouse click to drag the window around, even if the upper bar does not appear in the first moment, and then resize it when the border become visible.

    Some day when I have the time I may add a configuration option to include default sizing, ok?

  • woodgrain

    woodgrain - 2016-10-10

    I also like this idea.
    If I'm training in between jobs at work I'd like it to have the option for it to have a low profile so it's taking up minimal screen space, especially if people are looking over my shoulder lol.

  • Felipe Castro

    Felipe Castro - 2017-05-28

    What I can do is to allow the tutor window to shrink more than it does at the moment. See results from release 3.03, ok?


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