
#977 Kiwix on Android runtime (BB10)


In BB10 most of Android apps can be used over the included Android runtime (jellybean),and in fact kiwix works but it is not able to find zim files. (same happens with a similar opensource app, aard)

Using an file explorer, as total commander, it is possible to chose "open with" over the zim file and kiwix will open the file, links will not work but the search will work.

Fortunately, for future uses from menu "Open File" the previous opened files are there and it is easy to open files.

Is possible that kiwix and Aard are using the same function to find out files?
Could it be fixed? I am sure that most users will never try previous method to open a file.


  • Emmanuel Engelhart

    Dear Daniel

    We do not share code with Aard but we might be impacted by a similar problem. In Kiwix for Android 2.0, to be released in a few weeks, we will provide a Download manager which we allow to download directly from the app the ZIM file. As a consequence, you should not be impacted anymore by this kind of problem. I'll close the ticket and hope you will give a try to Kiwix for Android 2.0 and let us know if you still have a similar problem.

    Kind regards

  • Emmanuel Engelhart

    • status: open --> closed

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