
Tree [r33] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 branches 2016-10-01 psfales [r1] Add initial directories
 opt 2016-10-01 psfales [r5] add opt/exp
 tags 2016-10-01 psfales [r1] Add initial directories
 trunk 2016-10-01 psfales [r1] Add initial directories
 Chromecast.desktop 2016-10-01 psfales [r7] Add file
 Kitchen_Computer.odp 2016-10-01 psfales [r4] Add presentation
 Kitchen_Computer.pdf 2016-10-01 psfales [r4] Add presentation
 README 2019-07-20 psfales [r32] Change cec-client name from CECtester
 autostart 2016-11-02 psfales [r9] Add firefox to autostart
 baract.c 2016-10-01 psfales [r2] Add new files
 baractrc 2016-11-02 psfales [r14] Change paths to /usr/local/bin
 cec-client 2016-11-02 psfales [r11] Add cec-client
 checkdaemon 2016-10-01 psfales [r3] MOre files
 chromecast.jpg 2016-10-01 psfales [r2] Add new files
 chromecast.png 2016-10-01 psfales [r2] Add new files
 config.txt 2016-11-02 psfales [r8] Add config.txt
 idle_chromecast.c 2016-10-01 psfales [r6] Updates 2019-01-20 psfales [r27] Use Raspbian native version of cec-client 2019-07-20 psfales [r33] Add comments about changing cec name 2016-11-02 psfales [r11] Add cec-client 2016-11-02 psfales [r11] Add cec-client
 textonly 2016-10-01 psfales [r6] Updates
 wpa_supplicant.conf 2017-04-23 psfales [r18] Add wpa_supplicant.conf
 xautomation-1.03.tar.gz 2016-11-02 psfales [r10] Add source for xte
 xmodmaprc 2016-10-01 psfales [r3] MOre files
 xte 2016-10-01 psfales [r6] Updates

Read Me

Setting up a new kitchen computer:


- create files in /boot
	touch ssh
	add wpa_supplicant.conf

- Force 1080p  in config.txt
	sudo sed -i -e 's/#hdmi_force_hotplug=1/hdmi_force_hotplug=1/' /boot/config.txt
	sudo sed -i -e 's/#hdmi_group=1/hdmi_group=1/' /boot/config.txt
	sudo sed -i -e 's/#hdmi_mode=1/hdmi_mode=16/' /boot/config.txt

- In /etc/rc.local add "touch forcefsck"
	sudo sed -i -e  's/^exit 0/touch forcefsck\n\n&/' /etc/rc.local

- Set password for pi, root

	sudo passwd pi
	sudo passwd root

- Enable root login in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
	Change "PermitRootLogin" to "yes"

	sudo sed -i -e 's/#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
	sudo service ssh restart

- Use raspi-config to 

	set hostname
	set desktop autologin
	set locale = en_US.UTF-8
	set timezone
	enable vnc

-  Connect with VNC view that supports Encryption (e.g. android or
   Download/VNC-Viewer-5.3.2-Linux-x86) and change 
   Authentication to "VNC password" and Encryption to "Prefer off". 

- Update

	apt-get -y update
	apt-get -y purge libreoffice wolfram-engine sonic-pi scratch scratch2
	apt-get -y install subversion puppet cups firefox-esr 
	apt-get -y install libx11-dev libxtst-dev libxss-dev
	apt-get -y install cmake libudev-dev libxtst-dev
	apt-get -y install synaptic cec-client
	apt-get -y autoremove
	apt-get -y upgrade

	svn checkout --username=psfales svn+ssh:// \


- Make sure paraller printer is available on /dev/usb/lp0

- Install CUPS

	apt-get -y install cups lprng

- OLD Enable CUPS

  Based on
	- Allow lpadmin
		usermod -a -G lpadmin pi

	- In /etc/cups/cupsd.conf, Replace "Listen localhost:631" with "Port 631"
		sed -i -e 's/Listen localhost:631/Port 631/' /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
	- In Location /, /admin, /admin/conf, add "Allow @local"
		sed -i -e 's/<\/Location>/  Allow @local\n&/' /etc/cups/cupsd.conf

	- Supposedly these last two steps allow access to port 631 from
		outside, but I haven't been able to make that work
		yet.  The only way I've been able to do it is to launch
		the browser from the desktop and use

	- Restart cups
		/etc/init.d/cups restart

	- Use http://piXX:631 to add a printer named "Kitchen list printer" 
		 (psfp4.psf uses the mDNS name to find it)

	  Administration->Add Printer
	 + Connection parallel:/dev/usb/lp0
	 + "Share  this printer" checked
	 + Driver - Generic-Text only 
	 + Printer name "lp"

	edit /etc/printcap and change /dev/lp0 to /dev/usb/lp0

    - Edit /usr/lib/cups/filter/textonly (see local copy) to remove
	duplicate linefeeds


    - NEW Use lprng and 	

	echo "lpd_listen_port = 515"  >> /etc/lprng/lpd.conf
	sed -i -e 's/^REJECT NOT SERVER/##&' /etc/lprng/lpd.perms


	- Make sure scanner is available at /dev/ttyUSB0, mode 666

	  In /etc/rc.local/add, link to scanner

	  sed -i -e 's/^exit 0/if [ -e \/dev\/ttyUSB0 ]\nthen\n ln -s \/dev\/ttyUSB0 \/dev\/scanner\n chmod 666 \/dev\/ttyUSB0\nfi\n\n&/' /etc/rc.local

	- Start baract as psfales. In /etc/rc.local, add

	sed -i -e "s/^exit 0/rm -f \/var\/spool\/lock\/LCK..scanner \/home\/pi\/\nsu -l -c \'nohup .\/baract \&\' pi\n\n&/" /etc/rc.local

	- Build and install baract 
		su - pi
		cp /root/kitchen*/baract.c .
		make baract
	- Add /home/pi/.baractrc
		 cp /root/kitchen*/baractrc .baractrc

	- Lock permissions

		sudo mkdir /var/spool/lock
		sudo  chmod 777 /var/spool/lock

	- In firefox about:config change from 3 (open new tab in current window
	  to 1 (open in current window)

	- Use raspi-config to configure for desktop autologin

	- Install /usr/local/bin/checkdaemon
		cp kitchen-pi-code/checkdaemon /usr/local/bin

	- Create /mnt/loop/var/spool/cron/crontabs/pi  (I think this
	   needs to be all one long line - did n ot work when split up
	   like this)

		echo '* * * * * /usr/local/bin/checkdaemon -p /home/pi/ -l /home/pi/.x_idle_monitor.log /usr/local/bin/idle_chromecast -b -t 60 -d ":0"' >> /var/spool/cron/crontabs/pi

	- Install /mnt/loop/etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
	  OR better
	 	cp autostart  /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart

	- Add Chromecast.desktop to Desktop/
		cp Chromecast.desktop /home/pi/Desktop/
		cp chromecast.png /home/pi

	- build and install idle_chromecast in /usr/local/bin
		cc     idle_chromecast.c   -o idle_chromecast -lXss -lX11
		cp idle_chromecast /usr/local/bin

	- put and in /usr/local/bin
		cp /usr/local/bin

	- Install libs for building libcec (on latest Raspbian, can just
	- OLD Install libs for building libcec
		apt-get -y install cmake libudev-dev
	- OLD build cec-client or copy  from old build (svn)  and install 
	  in /usr/local/bin
	  Build instructions at
	  (First build "platform" then after "make install" build

		# git clone git://
  		cd platform/
		mkdir build
		cd build/
		cmake ..
		sudo make install

		cd ../../
		#git clone git://
		cd libcec/
		mkdir build
		cd build/
		cmake ..	
		sudo make install

	- NEW 

		apt install cec-client 
	- Build xte, install in /usr/local/bin

	  # This is apparently needed in jessie, but not stretch:
	  #	apt-get -y install liblockdev1

	  apt-get -y install libxtst-dev
	  tar xvf xautomation*gz
	  cd xautomation-1.03
	  LDFLAGS=-lX11 ./configure 
	  make install

	- Install bvi and use it to change "CECTester" to "RasPi    " in