
KISS Generator / News: Recent posts

MDK 0.5.x development started

Right after the release of version 0.4.0 of MDK, development has started for 0.5.0. This version will include some major improvements in the user interface of the application. We hope these changes will improve the whole user experience and ease the way users can model systems in KISS and develop weblications using the MDK application.

Currently the models of MDK aren't aware of eachother and provide only limited functionality. Version 0.5.0 will include the first of a sequence of changes to MDK to make the models aware of eachothers existance (this means changes made in one model will result in the update of another). This new architecture will also improve the ability to add new functionality to the different models.... read more

Posted by Jeroen Benckhuijsen 2002-07-01

MDK 0.4.0 released

As of today (1st July 2002) version 0.4.0 of MDK is released. This version completes the work on the internal design of the KissSystem library. This library is responsible for the storage of most project data. Due to some old design choices, the library was hard to understand and inconsistent in some places.

Applying a few changes to this design, the readability will hopefully improve. The disadvantage of this change is off course the necessairy change in the file format. A converter between version 0.2.x and 0.3.x will NOT be provided because of the relatively low amount of (external) downloads. Version 0.3.0 however was downloaded 35 times by an external party. A converter between 0.3.0 and future versions can there be found on the website any time soon.... read more

Posted by Jeroen Benckhuijsen 2002-07-01

File format changes

Due to the design changes in the core libraries, the file format currently used will change. These changes will continue to happen until version 0.4.0 is released.

After that, i hope the design of core libraries is stable enough and only additions to the format will occur (Meaning the old files can be loaded using the new version).

As a result, projects created using the 0.2.x serie of MDK can't be loaded by the 0.3.x series when you've added attributes or reference objects or quantities to the project. The 0.4.x series will include changes in the way objects and actions are associated, so these files will also be incompatible.... read more

Posted by Jeroen Benckhuijsen 2002-04-16

Modelviewer 2.0 Development started

The modelviewer is the component we use in MDK to show different models, like the Object Interaction Model. It's a generic component to show and edit models.

Currently however the component is hard wired into the app and it's missing a lot of functionality to be really usefull.

Because Modelviewer is capable of offering some really nice features, not only for MDK, but also for other projects, work has started to separate it from MDK. Also, it's possibilities will be heavilly extended and besides the current support for Borland C++ Builder 5, a port to Linux (GTK) will be provided.... read more

Posted by Jeroen Benckhuijsen 2002-04-16

Binary version of 0.2.1 and 0.3.0 development

The bug which held back the binary release of 0.2.1 is solved (Works for me, that is). Therefore i've released the binary version of MDK 0.2.1. It's ready for download in the files list.

Also, development has started on the 0.3.x series of MDK. This development is started in the HEAD branch of CVS. In this version i'm going to improve the generator. However, some parts of the core library (KissSystem) included some design flaws, because of the strange way (IMHO) Kiss represents attributes. Work has started to clean up these design flaws. This work will continue in the 0.4.0 series when associations between objects and actions are partially redesigned. ... read more

Posted by Jeroen Benckhuijsen 2002-04-16

Delayed release of 0.2.1 binary

Due to a bug ( ), binaries require Borland C++ Builder to be installed. This bug should be solved in release 0.2.1.

My installation however doesn't build the project correctly, so I'm delaying the binary release till I've corrected this bug.

Posted by Jeroen Benckhuijsen 2002-04-15

MDK will support Gnome

MDK, the KISS based modeling generating application will support Gnome in the near future. As a parallel project to the main development stream, the porting of the application to the Gnome enviroment has begun.
We believe this port will increase the user and developer base of MDK and will allow us to develop the application quicker. Support for further development of MDK is appreciated!!!

Posted by Jeroen Benckhuijsen 2002-03-11

MDK 0.2.0 Available

After half a year of hard work, MDK version 0.2.0 is finally available. The new version now includes support for 7 models (Structure sentences, Information Kwadrant, Object Interaction Model,Kiss Model, Reference objects and Attribute Model).

Basic generation is supported although this isn't fully functional yet. This part is also begin redesigned for version 0.3.0.

After this release work will start on version 0.3.0. Besides that, we'll start a testing period of version 0.2.0. The application will be used by our university so we can crank out those nasty bugs. ... read more

Posted by Jeroen Benckhuijsen 2002-03-10