
KingdomOfGambit / Blog: Recent posts

New AI Combat system

Hi there.

There's been some heavy development recently on the core of the game, the AI combat system. I just want to give you a rough overview of how it works (when it is finished), even though some things will probably still change.

All your creatures are on the main screen just like in any ordinary RTS-game. It gets special however when the logic comes in. By default each creature has its own intelligence, which actually is a Lua-script which describes how the creature behaves in the current situation. The default scripts can be changed by each player (in fact, I think that will be part of the fun to make each creature behave in a way to fit your game style).... read more

Posted by Ansgar Lampe 2013-10-15

Exploration added


Yesterday I added exploration to the game. Now you only see what your units have seen before. Further, a fog of war is in effect over everything that is not actively seen. This means you only know the location of enemies in a certain radius around your units. To me this feels right because it offers superior tactical options.

Speaking of which I am working on a significant change of the game mechanics more towards the goal of the game of just giving the units 'intelligence' telling them how to behave in general. But that is a big change which I will introduce in another post.... read more

Posted by Ansgar Lampe 2013-09-30

New Dev-Blog


I intend to use this blog to give you information about the development progress, new and planned features, gameplay changes and so on.

Since I was already writing a development diary offline I decided I could as well put it online where interested people might find it and might even give feedback.

See you soon,

Posted by Ansgar Lampe 2013-09-30