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kingate version 1.6 release

visit to download the kingate
V1.6 Changlog
1.fix bugs version.
2.fix a bug that force close a establish connection,kingate will core dump.
3.fix a klog function recv signal may happen died lock

Posted by king 2004-04-08

kingate version 1.5 release

visit to download it.
ChangeLog forV1.5
1.fix kingate memory leak bug in v1.4
2.kingate use manage port to manage the kingate(not use http proxy) . It is very easy to use.
3.kingate disk cache stabler than v1.4 now.
4.smtp proxy do not config the kingate.conf now. It is very easy use like the pop3 proxy.
5.kingate can use accelerate the http server now(beta)
6.add x_forwarded_for in http proxy (It must config on in the kingate.conf file)
7.add socks5_user flag now.
8.fix other bugs founded in v1.4
9.The windows version is more stable now.

Posted by king 2004-03-04

kingate version 1.4 release

1.kingate can save login user when kingate reboot.
2.kingate use http proxy to manage the kingate . It is very easy to use.
3.kingate have disk cache.
4.fix many bugs that found in version 1.3 include the time control bug.
5.kingate can save user's total login time , total recv size and total send size.
go to download the new version.

Posted by king 2004-01-19

kingate have disk cache now!

use cvs to checkout the lastest kingate:
"cvs -z3 co kingate"

Posted by king 2003-12-25

kingate use http to manage now.

In 1.1,1.2 and 1.3 version of kingate use telnet to manage kingate. Now kingate use http to manage kingate.Open the mozilla or IE the manage url is http://where_the_ip_your_kingate_install:kingate_http_proxy_port/
default root password is kingate.
use cvs to checkout the lastest kingate:
"cvs -z3 co kingate"

Posted by king 2003-12-18

kingate 1.3 release

fix many bugs that founded in 1.2
please visit to download new version.

Posted by king 2003-12-01

kingate now use md5 function to save passwd.

kingate now use md5 function to save passwd,not use clear passwd.use cvs to checkout last kingate.

Posted by king 2003-08-13

kingate success compile in many unix operation

kingate now success compile in linux,windows,freebsd,solais,macosx.
use cvs to checkout newest kingate.

Posted by king 2003-07-08

kingate now support child proxy and support http redirect

that can use kingate like squid on server proxy.

Posted by king 2003-06-28