
Usage Info

Bernardo Reis

There are some details regarding the way this project has been implemented that are important to proper usage of the tool.

  • The project has been implemented using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and that's the only solution file provided. Other versions of the IDE should also work.
  • KinectWebServer and KinectWebViewer use RakNet library v4.031 to communicate with the clients. Older versions are also likely to work, but they haven't been tested, so use at your own risk. Since RakNet is open-source, but not actually free (it is licensed under Indy License), it is not provided here, but it can be downloaded from
  • In order to include RakNet in the solution, the source folder of RakNet's zip file should be moved to dependencies folder of the project and then renamed to raknet.
  • KinectWebViewer uses OpenCV v2.2. OpenCV's header files, libs and dlls are all included. Other versions of OpenCV should also work, specially from 2.1 and newer, however they have not been tested.
  • KinectWebViewer uses OsaKit v4.0 to embed the application into a web page. OsaKit is not included in the project, but can be downloaded from Usage information about Osakit can be found in a chm file inside its own SDK.
  • There is a example web page featuring the KinectWebViewer included in example folder. It connects to localhost, so the server should be running in the same machine. This example was tested on a Apache Web Server.


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