
#3 Cannot drag and drop files onto Kile's window (on Windows) when a file ie already open + problem with default encoding



I have been using Kile from a long time, on both Linux and Windows and I like it.

There is however an annoying bug under Windows 7 (I'm using 2.9.92 and my wife has 2.9.93 with the same issue): whenever you drag a file from explorer onto Kile window, it wont open it if another file is already opened in Kile. It works fine, however, when Kile is launched without any open file. This is annoying when working with multiple files from different directories for instance.

Another issue is that, whenever you open a file using the "Open" button, it will launch a dialog to explore and choose the file to open. There is an option (dropdownbox) in this dialog to choose an encoding for the file to be opened. This box will default to "cp 1252", no matter the default encoding I chose in Kile settings (utf8 in my case). This is a bit annoying as it requires additional user input to select the appropriate encoding, not to mention it will mess up non-ansi characters if the user forgets to do so.

The last issue is quite troubling because I have another computer, also with Win 7, and Kile is selecting utf8 as default encoding in the above scenario; although the settings are the same for both installations.

These issues are not critical, but they are an annoyance. I hope they can be easily fixed.



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