
Learning KidBASIC

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I guess I am thinking about when I was learning programming and some of the first programs I wrote were hacked graphics programs I had laboriously typed in from a book of BASIC code that I picked up somewhere. Eventually I went to school and took courses but the important thing I think I want to say is that the approach at school was to begin at the beginning.

    Some of the first concepts that were difficult for some new students was the idea of what a variable is. I suspect these very basic concepts are the ones I'd like to see in any documentation for kids. Very simple ideas like "BoxA$" can hold a string (what's a string?) and this is where I would probably start writing a tutorial for kids. If the interpreter is sophisticated enough that graphics to illustrate (show a string of letters flying into BoxA$") can be done, then this will go a long way to actually demonstrating the way a computer works.

    I don't have a little one that is old enough yet to try this out but I am looking forward to when I can sit my grandson down and start him off on this path. Thanks so much for the language.

    R. Frank Louden

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I was actually going to suggest something very similar to this: a way to integrate sort of "interactive" tutorials, or at least a very basic mode to illustrate the most fundamental concepts (control flow, variables, expressions)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Is there a way to input numbers rather than strings?

      If not, that would be a useful feature for us.

      Thanks for this program, by the way.  My daughter likes it!

    • drblast

      drblast - 2006-12-10

      The best way to input numbers is to input a string and then change it via the int() or float() functions.

      The reason it's that way is that I didn't want to have an input function that produces an error if an unexpected input is typed.  Inputting a string and then converting to a number is the right way to handle this, and instead of BASIC-256 doing that behind the scenes, it's a valuable programming lesson, I think.

      Have fun with the program, let me know if you have any other problems or suggestions.


      • Bill Russell

        Bill Russell - 2006-12-10

        Hi Ian,

        I'd prefer to have the input command allow integers.  I understand what you are saying about reading strings and just converting them being good practice, but I think the main goal should be simplicity first.  In GWBasic there use to be a concept of ON ERROR.  Although, there could be a key word "ERROR" which could be used to see if there was a problem.  The default "error" value could be 0.  If someone wants to be sloppy and not do error checking, no harm done.

        • Tore Bredeli J�rgensen

          My opinion is that reading a string from the keyboard and then convert it is easy. It should be a goal to keep the number of commands small as well. The key is to teach them the foundation of programming, not give them a programming language where they can make all kinds of advanced programs with error checking and everything.

          If there was an inputint command, I think it should only accept arrow-keys, backspace and numbers, and ignore the other keys. But as I said, my opinion is that it isn't required. Just my two cent ;-)

      • Manuel Santos

        Manuel Santos - 2008-02-29

        Hi great little program

        I have the same problem and I can't seem to find the float() function on Help and it doesn't seem to work on the program. I would like to be able to input decimals.

  • nikikolev71

    nikikolev71 - 2009-10-09

    Dear All,

    i have a big pleasure.
    I want to learn the BASIC-256,
    but i can not find a site or anyfing else,
    I can not find about all rules, all comands and how i can  use them.
    Please for your help.
    I will be very happy, if you show me where i can find it .
    My e-mail is
    Thank you in advance

  • Valdis Vitolins

    Valdis Vitolins - 2009-10-09

    Only valuable documentation is sample scripts.  In Linux it they are added within standard installation, I don't know about Windows.
    In any case you can use sample scripts from source code repository.

  • nikikolev71

    nikikolev71 - 2009-10-09

    Thank you Valdisti, but in sourse code showed only few commands,
    But i need of command to make data base , and how i can maka a data base ?

  • Valdis Vitolins

    Valdis Vitolins - 2009-10-09

    Kidbasic/Basic-256 is for starters it isn't designed for such tasks.
    You should probably look at .


  • nikikolev71

    nikikolev71 - 2009-10-09

    Thank you Valdisvi,

    i check, but it something different .
    i try to learn it

  • nikikolev71

    nikikolev71 - 2009-10-10

    Dear All,

    My question is :
    How i can , in BASIC-256, to remember in some one cell the someone digit.
    For exaple  in Excel when we write that cell "A1" = 1, and in this cell (A1)  always is 1
    I just want to do database in BASIC-256
    How i can do it ?

    Thank you for your help


  • nikikolev71

    nikikolev71 - 2009-10-10

    Dear Valdisti,

    sorry but i don't explain exact.
    I need of command like "poke" and "peek" in old Basic.
    I want the value ( for example a=4) to put in some cell of  memory or maybe ….table.
    And when i need i want to read this value from exact cell of memory or maybe table like Excel table.
    In old Basic was :

    a = 4

    Poke 12450,a

    Print peek(12450)

    And the result is : 4

    Just this command (poke) write in cell 12450 in memory the value of "a"
    Peek (xxxxx) read the value of this cell
    But it was before, and now this is : : sintacsis error

  • Yuri Cervoni

    Yuri Cervoni - 2010-01-22

    Hello, my name is Yuri and I am a computer engineer.

    I would like to collaborate in any way for your project kidbasic even providing documentation in Italian

    awaiting news



  • Jim Reneau

    Jim Reneau - 2010-01-27


    Translations require downloading the source(by SVN).   In the checked out folder you will find two folders called htdocs (with the web site) and docs (the language reference).  The language reference HTML documents are generated from the doc.lisp file and is built bu the gen*.lisp programs.  Copy the files in the en folder to "it" and make the changes.  This will do the web site and tutorials.

    The software can also be translated (menus and messages) using the QT linguist tool to create a language ts file (like found in trunk/Translation).  Once this is complete it can be included in the distribution.

    If you have ANY questions, I will be available to help.



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