A really nice programming language !

I made a little math quiz in BASIC256 for my son. The problems are both printed and spoken via the "say" command. Then the user is prompted for an answer via the "input" instruction. The problem is that the speech needs a bit longer and if you try to type the answer too early (before finishing the speaking and executing the "input" instruction) the key strokes are neglected.
Thus I would like to have an asynchronous "say" instruction like it is yet possible with sound playing.

I changed the source code so that the "say" command starts speaking the text and returns immediately (not waiting for the speaking to finish). I implemented another command "saywait" that waits until the latest speaking has ended if any is running. If no "saywait" instruction is used and another "say" is executed before an earlier speaking has finished, the earlier speaking is aborted and the new one is started.

If anybody is interested in my asynchronous "say" change, I could send my changes of the source code.

Another issue is that using the pro-compiled BASIC256 package, I could only get an English speaker although in Windows a German speaker is chosen as default. But after compiling the source code of the package (without any changes) I got a German speaker. I don't understand why. Maybe some changes were made in the latest trunk.