
Bad buttons

  • Nobody/Anonymous

          I compiled Basis-256 with debian etch, qt4 etc. and 
          started with ./BASIC256.
          It`s works fine, but the characters of the buttons are not clear and looks like a fog or so.
          I can`t read the text of the button.
          Can you help me, please ?
          A lot of thanks
          A. Müller, Germany

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      I try to use Basic256 on a different machine with the same system, it works without errors.
      So I think the bug is on my system ....

      Best regards,

      A. Müller

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      I fixed the problem, I had a wrong type of character in my kde setup, all works fine now.
      A lot of thanks to the developers of this program, I think it`s a good way to show kid`s whats up with programming ! I hope my kid`s will think so, too .... ;))

      Best regards

      A. Müller


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