
#75 troublesome problems...


Hi !
First, appologies for my bad English. I hope you understand me...
Problem #1 : With the new Version of Basic 256 ( : a new window appears. If You close this window : all BASIC256 windows are terminated. Without dialogue for a possible saving of the program in the main window ...
Problem #2 : With the Dialog facilities (CONFIRM, PROMPT), if the program is wrong, we cannot exit the small window. We are obliged to quit the program ... With loss of any modifications to this program ...
Hope these errors can be easily corrected.
Best regards. Mike83200.


  • Jim Reneau

    Jim Reneau - 2021-03-03

    The newest Windows download is 2.0.99.x and on my machine the release version does not display the extra black window. This is an artifact of the QT development environment and holds the process that is running the UI.

    The modal nature of the prompt, confirm, and other dialogs is intentional. The model prompt has to block execution of the run-controller by setting a mutex until it completes. Processing stop is also pended until that mutex is released. That is the nature of the way it was originally coded. Can you send me a sample program with the issue highlighted, so I can see exactly what is happening and look for possible solutions>

  • Francisco Javier Mangas Moreno

    Hello Jim:

    Where can we get version 2.0.99.x? The linkin sourceforge downloads


    • Jim Reneau

      Jim Reneau - 2024-04-03

      You can always download the most current code using an "svn" tool. At the LINUX command prompt the source code can be downloaded with:
      svn checkout svn:// kidbasic-code

  • Jacob Minsky

    Jacob Minsky - 2024-04-02

    Hi Mike, I know it's been a while since you opened the issue, but if you see this message, and if you have an example for your problem #2, a short code which demonstrates it, please respond here.

    Problem #1 is a simple configuration issue which should get fixed soon.

    • Jim Reneau

      Jim Reneau - 2024-04-03

      Problem 1 was fixed a long time ago. In the source 2.0.99.x.

      • Jacob Minsky

        Jacob Minsky - 2024-04-03

        Jim, I still get the console window when compiling from latest source (on Windows). I believe this is what controls this, in on line 19:

        CONFIG += console


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