
Tag a collection of albums

  • Bernard Victor Delvaux


    I'd like to know if there is a specific tag that I can use to group several albums as a "mutti-CDs" album or as a collection. Is there a definite and recognized tag that is used for that?

    I know that having the same album name across multi-CDs album can do the trick (just adding Disc1, Disc2... and also a subfolder name), but this is not practical at all: in the serach engines: all the directory of a multi-disc set look ther same and I have to go inside each of them 1 by 1 .... (subtitle of folder usually don't appear)

    I'm aware that can still create a custom tag called "Collection" for example, taht I will use to group albums; but is there a tag that is aleady made for that and recognized by control points?

    This is not related to Kid3 specifically but more to audio tagging. Since Kid3 seems to be THE tool on MacOS, I'm asking here; if I'm at the wrong place, could you please suggest a forum where I can ask such a question?


  • Urs Fleisch

    Urs Fleisch - 2019-10-16

    I usually take the "Disc Number" frame with values of "1/2", "2/2" for a collection of two CDs etc. You may also have a look at the application or device with which you want to play the songs, how it behaves in the presence of multiple CDs. Sometimes it is necessary to use increasing numbers in the track numbers (instead of starting by 1 for every disc) or in the numbers at the start of the file names (in order to make the alphabetical order of the file names the same as the order of the tracks) in order to make the player behave as it should.