
The Hotwire Suite / News: Recent posts

Hotwire has a new Home

KickMe has been redeveloped and has a new name - Hotwire.

Hotwire is an integrated inventory system and a rapid deploy tool targeted at servicing enterprise environments.

Currently supported list of rapid-deploy technologies are...
* Kickstart - Red Hat Linux - RHEL v3, v4, v5, Fedora
* AutoYaST - SuSE Linux - SLES v10, v11
* Preseed - Debian Linux - Debian v5

The hotwire server itself can be installed on any Linux platform however.... read more

Posted by Nima Talebi 2009-03-29

Feedback Wanted

The `kickme' project is in need of your feedback in all departments:

* documentaion
* installation
* configuration

If there is information missing from the included documentation, if there is a feature that you would like, or if you have anything else to say please hit the mailing list or email me (nima at ntrust dot net dot au) directly.

Posted by Nima Talebi 2006-06-25