
Cluster and Correspondence analysis

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-02-28

    I do some research on lobbying and political positioning and I am considering buying the automatic setup software for mac. I just wanted to make sure what I plan to do is possible with KH Coder.
    Basically, I want to analyze position papers from interest groups. First I want to perform a cluster analysis and identify the different "frames" in the debates. Then I'd like to perform a correspondence analysis in order to map the positions of the different interest groups on a two-dimensions graph. E.g. If I study the position papers of interest groups on the shale gas debate, there could be an evironment dimension on the X-axis and an economic dimension on the Y-axis.
    The objective is thus to present the position of the interest groups with multidimensionality.
    Many thanks in advance.
    Kind regards,

  • HIGUCHI Koichi

    HIGUCHI Koichi - 2017-03-03


    About cluster analysis, if there are clear “frames” in your data, you will be able to find them from the analysis. You can read them from words in the close position or in the same color.

    About correspondence analysis, you can map both words and interest groups in the same figure. In this example, I mapped both words and chapter numbers to find characteristics of each chapter.

    But in correspondence analysis, the X and Y axis are mathematically extracted from data. You cannot use arbitrary dimension like “environment” or “economic”.

    This detailed tutorial (part 1) may also help.



    Last edit: HIGUCHI Koichi 2017-03-03
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-03-03

    Thank you so much for the reply.
    Have a great day!



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