
#8 QT4 support



I know that kguitar requires qt3 (and maybe small parts of kde3). I'd like to know if you have any plans to work on a qt4 port (best without kde4 integration, at least it should be optional).

Do you still work on this project at all ?

We are long looking for guitar input in Canorus. Canorus is a free music score editor, succesor of NoteEdit. The last based on kde3/qt3 heavily while Canorus does not use KDE at all (and won't in the future). I've considered even porting the slightly patched kguitar from NoteEdit but would not do that if you actually planned or already worked on Qt4.

Btw: I've read your announcement from Jan 08 on the KDE4 port, so I have high hopes!

You can find our homepage at

We have one member who'd be very interested in integrating your work as plugin into Canorus.

Thanks for your precious time.


  • ReKa

    ReKa - 2009-05-05

    Additional side note: KDE3 support for my distribution is as well as kguitar itself no longer officially supported. The plan is to remove KDE3 completely 2010! I probably can't stop this process.
    As kguitar is a very important tool to me I'd like to know if you plan to port it to KDE4/QT4 or not until summer this year. Else I would suggest that other developers continue working on it and do the porting work.

  • Mikhail Yakshin

    Mikhail Yakshin - 2009-05-06

    Hi there again,

    Sorry for missing this thread, looks like mail announcement from SF was eaten by spam filter, so I've missed it.

    I like the idea of collaboration/pluginizing/merger between Canorus and KGuitar, although, from what I know, it won't be that easy because of differences in internal structures.

    Do you have some plan in mind? Any pointer to what can I read to understand more of Canorus?

  • ReKa

    ReKa - 2009-05-06


    Canorus is hosted on Berlios mainly. The Wiki and an introduction is on
    Basically we have organized our code into core (UI independent, import/export is separate), control (might contain some signal/slot dependencies on Qt, interface for physical stuff like midi) and UI itself (User interface, Widgets, Drawables for the score view). also contains an introduction though the recent changes in the trunk (mainly renaming and moving of files) still have to be documented.

    I didn't make a plan but I had some discussion with Diogo Baeder but we didn't come up into more details (only short analysis about dependencies).
    From a user point of view I'd offer tablatures as an additional context (like staff or lyrics) and add import features to the import menu (it could automatically create an tablature context when no one is selected).
    For a start I'd create a separate kguitar directory and move parts - if needed - to other source files or create new ones.

    From the Canorus software model point of view some analysis would have to be done concerning the integration. This should concern I guess all the features available in kguitar so we can decide which ones are useful in the Canorus core, which ones do already exist in Canorus and which ones might be useful as external plugin. After that decision is made we can start modifying the Canorus model for the more complicated parts (in some conceptual design document so new developers or later maintainers understand what has been done). I've done such things for printing/preview and keyboard/midi command action editor I'm currently working on.

    The documents are in the Canorus trunk doc/developersguide directory ( ).


  • Mikhail Yakshin

    Mikhail Yakshin - 2009-05-06

    Is there a mailing list I can join for broader discussion with all other team members? Discussion in a bugtracker isn't a very convenient one :)


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