
KOTRT Game Building Library / News: Recent posts

New cvs module

I've checked in some basic code in a module called kgb2 in the repository. Currently containing only very basic classes. Check it out if you want to join in from the start of the redesign.

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2001-07-05


KGB is experiencing a total redesign. We will keep you posted of news as they happen:)
Now is the time to submit ideas/feature-requests.

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2001-04-10

Several new movement-patterns in cvs

We have added several new movements in cvs:
KGB_BasicMovement: used to move objects around at constant speed (measured in pps(pixels per second))
KGB_LinearInterpolationMovement: used to move objects to a specific coordinate within a given timeframe (constant speed)
KGB_EaseInOutMovement: used to move objects to a specific coordinate within a given timeframe using the ease in/ease out pattern
KGB_InvertedEaseInOutMovement: used to move objects to a specific coordinate within a given timeframe using an inverted ease in/ease out pattern.
KGB_NoMovement: Provides a possibility to manage the movement of an object completely by yourself.
Check it out:)

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2001-02-22

New changes in CVS

KGB_Game and KGB_time are now singletons. By doing this, it has been possible to clean up some API-cruft. There have also been introduced time/frame based animation of surfaces. Do an update and check it out.

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2001-02-13

More changes

KGB_VectorMovement, KGB_Matrix and KGB_MatrixFactory has undergone a huge facelift. Documentation has been moved out of cvs to minimize the size of the initial checkout. If you want to generate the documentation, get doxygen and run "doxygen Doxyfile" under KGB/docs. There are still some things under test that does not compile due to the resent API-changes, but this will be fixed ASAP (kgbombniball, grav and soccar).
Do an update, and tell us what you think:)

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2001-02-08

New movement-code in cvs

Fixed up a design-flaw in the KGB_Moveable/KGB_MovementFactory subsystem and injected a a system to do time-interpolated movement. We now have smooth, time interpolated, time-bound movement through KGB_BasicMovement, and we have discrete, time-bound movement in KGB_DiscreteMovement. Test it and comment.

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2001-02-06

Moving soccar into test

I have started retrofitting soccar to the current KGB. It will take some time, but it is on it's way into cvs (currently in a non-functional state).

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2001-01-28

Back in business

Luckily, I ran into precision on #sourceforge today, and he fixed the cvs problem promptly. We're (finally) back in business:)

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2001-01-08

Project delay

After Sourceforges relocation, I have been unable to use cvs in any useful way, and as such there haven't been any updates lately. Changes will start rolling in as soon sourceforge is fully functional again. Have a nice day:)

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2001-01-08

0.1.4 Released

Added a new example application: phewton. Very simple, but it shows how KGB enables you to concentrate on game-logic.

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2000-12-06

Preliminary primitive-support now in CVS

This is just a note to tell you that we have preliminary support for primitives drawing (implemented through KGB_PixelWriter and KGB_Primitives). There are still a lot to do, but you can draw lines, rects and circles atm.

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2000-12-05

New documentation now in CVS

...and I fixed a stupid bug in KGB_Game.cpp so that the current cvs-version is actually working:)

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2000-12-01

New documentation online

The documentation now includes class hierarchies and collaboration graphs. This is a very good help to see the structure of KGB. Have a look at
NB: Current version in CVS is broken, will fix asap.
Have a nice day!

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2000-11-29

0.1.3b released

This is a much improved version over 0.1.2. Please test it and tell us what you think. It would really be interesting having other people try this out so that we could see if we are moving in the right direction.
Take notice: Soccar 0.1.2 will not work with KGB 0.1.3b. We will release Soccar 0.1.3 when it does.

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2000-10-15

New Event-handling system in place

I have updated the documentation in CVS. If you want to test this out, please get it from CVS. We will soon do a new release.

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2000-10-14

Whats happening?

Well, we're back after a period of inactivity. Things are starting to warm up again, and to celebrate the occasion, we've updated the docs to reflect the current cvs-version:)

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2000-08-03

Please use CVS!

We are currently working towards a new 0.1.3 release, but there will be some code cleanup before we do this. In the mean time, please use cvs to retrieve KGB as release 0.1.2 is not even close (both functionality and interface-wise) to what currently is in cvs.

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2000-06-02

Docs updated

On our everlasting quest towards 0.1.3, we have updated the docs to reflect the current cvs-version of KGB.
You find them at

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2000-05-18

Docs added for KGB

We have now put the docs for KGB up on .
They are not quite finished yet, but you'll find it an easy way to get an overview of the current codebase.

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2000-04-06

KGB is now a project on it's own!

We have decided to move KGB from the DebuggerBob-project to its own project here at sourceforge. This is to reinforce our intention of making this a general game programming library that everybody can use.

Posted by Jone Marius Vignes 2000-04-04