
basic key bruteforcer / Blog: Recent posts


While no one is reading this it would probably be amusing for my own future reference and this is my first real programming project. I added the ability to pick the url without changing the code this probably took me longer then it should have. I intend to (no promises) improve:
how many random characters should be adjustable without editing the source but as it is now is sloppy and ugly.
a way to look for something in the page to indicate weather it is a valid key or not.
*any other improvements i can think of.

Posted by riggly 2011-08-29


I posted a simple update to allow to you to choose your character types and I'm working on one to allow you to choose how long the key is and if anyone has any idea on how to let people choose what to look for in a site please do tell.

Posted by riggly 2011-08-29 Labels: bruteforcer


Hey this is my attempt to help improve my programming and make a tool for you guys to enjoy also if anyone has any suggestions do tell.

fyi it searching for unknown is just part of the proof of concept to search for a a error that shows it's not what it should be

Posted by riggly 2011-08-29 Labels: python bruteforcer