
KerMod - Moderated Online Meetings / News: Recent posts

Screenshots added

Four screenshots of KerMod were added.

Posted by Rene Hess 2004-12-07

Documentation for new module

The plan for the new Fileshare- and -upload-module has been uploaded. It's an early plan. Changes to the plan are most likely to appear over time.
Attention: This document is written in German.

Posted by Rene Hess 2004-04-30

New module introduced

A new module was added to the KerMod-System.
This module facilitates file upload ("push" from moderator to participants) and file exchange ("pull" from file pool to participants).
This module is being developed by linei.

Posted by Rene Hess 2004-04-21

First Release

Today we released the first binary of KerMod. It's meant to be used for testing the KerMod-client on a test-server provided by us.

Posted by Rene Hess 2004-03-30