

Peter Reutemann

Welcome to KeplerWeka

[KeplerWeka] is a module for the open-source scientific workflow Kepler released under the GNU General Public License (version 2).

It provides the full functionality of the open-source machine learning and data mining workbench WEKA within Kepler. [[More...]](/apps/trac/keplerweka/wiki/KeplerWeka)

Starting Points

  • You want to use KeplerWeka? Here is how to install and use it:
  • If you want to stay tuned in on what is happening regarding the KeplerWeka development, then check out the project blog. There you will find announcements of releases or major changes.
  • For those of you, who want to get down and dirty with the source code, check out [HackingKeplerWeka]. This article explains how to obtain the source code, setup Eclipse and add new actors yourself.



Wiki: DidYouKnow
Wiki: HackingKeplerWeka
Wiki: InstallingKeplerWeka
Wiki: KeplerDocumentation
Wiki: KeplerWeka
Wiki: MailingListEtiquette
Wiki: UsingKeplerWeka
Wiki: WishList