

Kevin van Rensburg

Welcome to the KendyVerse wiki!

I have started this to document the progress of my robot whose name is Kendy.

I started building Kendy in 2000 with the Evolution Robotics ER1 kit. This kit cost me a lot of money as I was living in Taiwan and had to import it from Japan.

The components still work however the drivers for windows XP do not work on any modern operating systems anymore. I am going to load Debian Linux on my computers and then try to get it working again from that. I do not know if this is possible, but I am willing to try.

I will continue updating this as I get time. Unfortunately due to my workload I can only work on this over vacations.

Evolution Robotics ER1 kit
Named my Robot Kendy

I will add this info - most of it is on my Hobbies Website.
I think it is better to transfer it here.

April 2020
Bought some components and started testing them.
Rsapberry Pi 3b+
Elegoo Uno R3

I will add screenshots of other components soon.

I'm going to add more info over the next few weeks and hopefully a timeline.

Have a lovely day!

Kevin van Rensburg