
#2122 Is there a real need for a Root Group (top level) ?


First of all I would like to express my gratitude to all the people involved in this project as KeePass is definitely a great program.
That having been said, I know it may sound a bit weird, but is there any chances of getting rid of the root group or, otherwise, creating other groups at the same level?
This question is due to the fact that the Root Group seems like a mere duplicate of the kdbx database file name with no added value to the real hyerarchical organisation of groups.
For example, I organised groups at first in macro-categories (e.g. Personal, Work, etc.) and than I created different sub-groups (e.g. Homebanking, Email, etc.) in the previous categories. At the end the Root Group is still there and the only change I can think of is to assign it a name like My Database or KeePass or whatever else as there is apparently no added value in its presence.
Thanks for considering my observation with a bit of (much) indulgence.


  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2016-04-22
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: KeePass --> KeePass_2.x
  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2016-04-22

    The root group is absolutely necessary and will not be removed. Example reasons:

    • There are some inheritable properties, like for instance enabling auto-type and/or searching for a group and its subgroups (in the 'Edit Group' dialog). Without the root group, there would be no way to specify database-wide defaults for such properties.
    • There are functions that operate on subgroups. Without the root group, these functions would not be available for all objects anymore. For example, the 'Rearrange' menu in the group context menu allows to sort subgroups; without the root group you couldn't sort your top-level groups. Another example is related to the option 'Show Entries of Subgroups': if turned on, you can show all your entries by clicking the root group, which would not be possible with a single click if there would be no root group.

    Best regards,


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