
Auto fill browser integration fails with the most recent Chrome update

Andrew G
  • Andrew G

    Andrew G - 2024-07-05


    Using KeePass 2.57 with keepassnatmsg v2.0.17 to perform auto fill with Chrome

    Chrome has the current KeePassXC-Browser extension and this has worked great until Chrome recently updated (possibly) to Version 126.0.6478.127 (Official Build) (64-bit)

    Has anyone else experienced this in Chrome recently? No other component updates were performed recently. My partners PC also experiences this issue as well now (same setup)

    Chrome and KeePass communicate fine as keepassnatmsg is popping up the usual "[URL] is receiving credentials for......" but the fill in does not complete. Hovering over the green KeePassXC-Browser icon in the browser shows "No credentials to fill."

    Using the latest version of MS Edge works fine so something may have been "broken" with a recent Chrome update


  • caspadan

    caspadan - 2024-07-05

    I don't use keepassnatmsg, so I can't be of much help, but you could always give KeePassRPC and the Kee extension a try for autofill if you don't come right.

    • Andrew G

      Andrew G - 2024-07-06

      Thanks - that could be an alternative for me!

  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2024-07-06

    Are you using KeePass or KeePassXC? Help with KeePassXC would be better found on their Web site - not here.

  • Andrew G

    Andrew G - 2024-07-06

    Hi, I'm not using KeePassXC as my core password manager, I'm using Keepass 2.57. This had been successfully working OK with the KeePassXC-Browser Chrome extension for over a year
    It may be related to 1.9.1 which was released 3 days ago. I assume the Chrome extensions auto update and I hadn't noticed that update being applied as its invisible to me. The latest update states
    "Autocomplete menu has been redesigned in this release. The default style is a large one. If you prefer the more compact style, this can be enabled from the User Interface settings:"

    So yes it may be best logged with the KeePassXC web site in that context of my issue. I'll check that out so thanks. I'm using a bit of a cross pollination of products here <g></g>

    Auto complete is (now) working for a few KeePass entries including this SourceForge web login and some other online shopping sites for example but the success rate is low - most sites do not auto fill


  • Andrew G

    Andrew G - 2024-07-07

    Looks like this has been picked up in the keepassxc-browser github group "Fix credential sorting"

    Only impacts multiple entries with the same URL which explains why some fill ins work OK for me (entries with a single URL fill in OK). Interestingly only happens in Chrome (Edge is OK)

    keypassnatmsg also implicated ("They don't pass the group information properly to the extension")

    But looks like a fix will still be implemented in KeepassXC-Browser anyway

    I guess it gets kind of complex when there are so many moving parts incorporating different extensions and plugins from similar but different projects


  • Havokdan

    Havokdan - 2024-07-07

    keepassnatmsg has been discontinued, there are talks about someone taking over...

    • Andrew G

      Andrew G - 2024-07-08

      Yes I had noted this recently - I'd moved to keepassnatmsg after KeePassHttp-Connector was discontinued. I'm back working OK with the just release keepassxc-browser (but there are some new oddities that will still likely need addressing by the developer so we shall see)

      I really like KeePass2 vs KeepassXC but possibly the tighter integration between KeepassXC and keepassxc-browser will reduce these issues with fill in moving forward (or I can flip to KeePassRPC / kee plugin)

      I've used KeePass2 for over 10 years and it's been a fantastic password manager despite the occasional issue such as this


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