
Can I create a new database without default sample entries?

  • SteveShank

    SteveShank - 2024-07-03

    Is there a way to create a new database without the sample entries? I've got a database and just want to create a new one sometimes, but want it to be blank. Obviously, i know I can delete the samples, but I'd rather not.

    Also, can I install without them? I setup other people's computers and will make some entries myself. There is no need for the samples then either.


  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2024-07-04

    Short answer: No. Maybe it'd be simpler for you to create a template database, delete the samples, and copy that template instead of creating new. Or use one of the "KeePass compatible" programs for creating new ones. (I can't believe I just said that.)

    EDIT: If you make a template, you may want to also delete the default groups that KeePass creates, because when they get created, each is assigned a random internal identifier, but copying a database also copies those identifiers instead generating new ones. (OTOH, you may be OK with duplicate identifiers, as long as you never open more than one of these databases at a time.)

  • SteveShank

    SteveShank - 2024-07-09

    I'll try the template idea. That's good. Also, for my purpose, I can just leave them. What's happening is that I've used and installed Keepass and taught clients to use it for well over a decade. But, more and more of my clients are requiring synchronization across multiple devices. They are also getting older and their brains are slowing down. I used triggers and dropbox for a few years, but found a weird instance where it didn't work. So, I've begun putting some clients into BitWarden.

    The problem I have with Bitwarden, which seems quite excellent, is that it isn't easy to maintain a local copy and back it up locally. If someone can't access bitwarden, what are they to do? So, I'm trying a monthly export as a json file, and then an import into a Keepass file with a dated name like Bitwarden backup July 8 2024.

    There are still issues if someone had attached files, or passkeys, but otherwise it works pretty smoothly. All folders are preserved. TOTP seem to transfer over, but I'm not sure that isn't because I had them in Keepass first. The database is searchable so it is easy to find items.

    I'm suggesting my clients wait on Passkeys until everyone has export import options working.

  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2024-07-10

    monthly export as a json file

    When you export to any format other than KDB or KDBX, you are stripping away KeePass's protection. If anyone can get to that export file, or recover it after it gets "deleted"★, they would need nothing fancier than Notepad to read and use all the passwords in the export.
    ★ Nothing ever truly gets deleted on a computer - unless you take special action to destroy the data.
    The most secure way to back up your database is also the simplest: just copy the KDBX file to ... wherever.


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