
Cannot save file to ftp server (proxy?)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-06-09


    I am having problems saving my modified file to my ftp server (vsftpd). All permissions are correct and I have enabled logging on the ftp server to help pinpoint the problem. Everything looks fine in the logs when downloading the file, but there are no entries at all which leads me to believe that it is a connection problem.

    I am using Windows XP and Internet Explorer is configured to automatically detect proxy settings since I am on a company network. I have tried Filezilla without any proxy settings and there are no problems connecting or uploading files.

    See the attached png for the error message.

    Is this a proxy issue or is it something else? I appreciate any help you can give me :)


  • George Kodinov

    George Kodinov - 2019-05-16

    I have the same issue.
    I am using Keepass 2.42.1 via an http(s)/ftp proxy on a win10 computer set to auto-proxy. I can read the file just fine. But when trying to save it (e.g. after an update of a password) I get an error as shown on the below dialog. I get the same error even if I do manual proxy.!

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2019-05-17

    Try turning off file transactions.
    Tools > Options > Advanced, File Input/Output Connections, Use file transactions....

    cheers, Paul

  • Paul

    Paul - 2019-05-17

    This post may be relevant.

    cheers, Paul

  • George Kodinov

    George Kodinov - 2019-05-18

    Tried turning off the transactions as suggested: didn't make any difference. I do not have a space in my FTP dir.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2019-05-18

    FTP doesn't play well with proxies so there may be nothing we can do. Using Webdav may be a solution.

    cheers, Paul

  • Paul

    Paul - 2019-05-18

    You could try using the IOProtocolExt plug-in.

    cheers, Paul

  • George Kodinov

    George Kodinov - 2019-05-18

    Heh, IOProtocolExt worked ! I can save the file via the proxy !
    Thanks Paul !


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