
Develop original KeePass to a real crossplatform application

  • Markus

    Markus - 2019-07-12

    KeePass is only available for windows, when you are searching a download on the keepass web page. Sure, there are several links to several unoffical ports to other OS platforms, but it is more or less complex to find a working solution and to get it running.
    It would be great, if KeePass would be evolved to a real cross platform application, that is nativly available on the KeePass website, as the user know for many other popular open source software products: you visit the offical webpage and get the appropriate download of the application for your OS (Windows, Linux, macOS), without needs to install any additional mono frameworks XQuartz, ... or anything complicate else... It's so complicate to use original KeePass e.g. on macOS...


    Last edit: Markus 2019-07-12
    • Andrei (KeePassium)

      KeePassXC works on all desktop platforms, including MacOS.

      • Markus

        Markus - 2019-07-13

        Great! Thanks for this hint! I've used KeepassX, but KeepassXC looks good, too and it seems to be maintained more active than KeepassX when I have a look into the changelog...

  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2019-07-12

    Of course it's complicated to find a cross-platform solution for password storage; it's exponentially more complicated to create one - which is why the one person operation that is KeePass makes no attempt to do so.

  • Markus

    Markus - 2019-07-13

    I am not a software developer, so I cannot estimate the complexity of creating such a crossplatform software instead only for windows.
    But from the point of view of an end user it is very untypical for an opensource software to publish builds only for windows. For other projects it is normal to get it for all popular platforms as installation images directly from the project website, e.g. Gimp, LibreOffice, Filezilla, MuseScore, Anki, .. and so on. The list is nearly infinite...
    Before several years I tried to get KeePass working on a mac and it was like a lunar landing. I canceled it very frustrated, because it doesn't really worked here. Maybe in the meantime it is easier for developers to built the existing software for different platforms out of the existing code base (I think to Xamarin for example that belongs now to Microsoft and offers "easy crossplatform functionalty", when the advertising is correct :-))

  • John Jones

    John Jones - 2019-07-13

    well since KeePass is written in C# while using the .NET platform it would require a complete new code.

    KeePassXC is already a well regarded cross platform port.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2019-07-14

    KeePassXC does not provide sync as KeePass does. Be aware if you make changes on different platforms.

    cheers, Paul


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