
Pattern based vs random

  • johannes

    johannes - 2023-06-14

    The latest release made it difficult or impossible to create pattern based passwords. For good reason.
    It is not understanable why not truly random passwords are not possible in this iteration. Why still offer
    1. (Derive from previous)
    2. Hex key 40/128/256
    3. MAC Address

    Those have a notoriously low entropy. Why not add truly random as option and offer a pattern based (markably better entropy and easy memorable) as two options? Why offer MAC and Hex in the first place? These are the ones that should be hidden.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2023-06-15

    Hex and MAC are not really passwords, as you know, but are included as a convenience.

    cheers, Paul

  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2023-06-16

    I've actually added several "not a password" generators to KeePass (example below); KeePass is almost always running, so whenever I need a bit of randomness for any reason, it's easiest to just let KeePass do it.


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