
#2328 autofill for "user name" field on an entry included "user name" as a choice


There is a bug in the "User Name" field when creating a new entry. The field has autofill capability so when you start typing a user name (like "bob112") the field will show in a dropdown other user names that already exist that match what you are typing.

Example: If you type the "b" then under the box you will see other user names starting with a 'b' that you can select from. (The program presumes you might be typing in a username you frequently use and lets you pick it quickly.)

However the name of the field (and of the entire column of entries) is actually "User Name" and somehow this is also within the possible selections. In other words if you start typing "u" for a user name the autofill will drop down and show all entries you currently have starting with a "u", HOWEVER it will also show an ADDITIONAL entry of "User Name" which is actually the column HEADING and not any entry or user name you have actually used.

BUG: this autofill selection needs to be removed in the code.

REPRODUCTION: create a new entry in keepass, go to the user name field, and type "u" (or "us", or "use", etc) and "User Name" will come up.


  • Paul

    Paul - 2024-06-06

    This is because you have an entry containing the username "User Name".
    Enter user name in the search bar at the top of KeePass and press Enter. You will see entries with "user name" in the username field.

    cheers, Paul

  • rrr

    rrr - 2024-06-06

    Nope. Already anticipated and checked :-)

    There is no entry in the database with a user name of "User Name".
    Did you try the reproduction on your own database?
    I gather you dont have a user name for any entry of "User Name", but when you start typing in that blank it will autofill an option for "User Name".

    (You can also create a new database, which starts with 2 placeholder entries, and yes one of them has a username of "User Name" (I think this is starting to zero in on the bug.) Then delete both of those entries. Save the database (an extra step I took to make sure everything was 'settled' and 'synced/solid' in a sense). And then create a new (the first) entry in that new/blank (after deleting the two placeholder entries) database and type "u" in the User Name field and "User Name" will pop up (even though your database is empty and, obviously, "User Name" is not an existing or 'in use' value).

  • rrr

    rrr - 2024-06-06

    screenshot of a new DB, blank (I deleted the 2 placeholder entries that KeePass creates for a new DB, then saved the file).

    Then shown creating a new entry, typing "use" and "User Name" pops up.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2024-06-06

    Yes, tested before posting.
    No user "name entry" shows in an empty database.

    Did you empty the Recycle Bin before performing your test on a new database?

    cheers, Paul

  • rrr

    rrr - 2024-06-06

    Ahhh...the Recycle Bin.

    Yes, the 2 placeholder 'default new database' entries that KeePass makes WERE in the Recycle Bin and that is what it was matching (since one of them is using "User Name")

    Tricky tricky. That solves the puzzle.

    I guess autofilling from deleted (but not emptied) entries could be argued either way - include or not include (because they have been deleted). But the 'bug' is now explained.

  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2024-06-07

    Variants of this complaint have been made before, so perhaps it needs saying:

    The list of suggestions for the User Name field comes entirely from the entries in your database. This means that anything that shows up in that list already exists in your database, somewhere - and the only ways to get rid of unwanted suggestions are to 1) remove the offending entry or entries from your database or 2) edit the offending data out of them.

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2024-06-07
    • status: open --> closed

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