
Tree [1b36f5] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 app_templates 2012-03-15 Miguel Tadeu Miguel Tadeu [88833e] First files
 languages 2012-03-15 Miguel Tadeu Miguel Tadeu [88833e] First files
 project 2012-03-15 Miguel Tadeu Miguel Tadeu [88833e] First files
 schemaview 2012-03-15 Miguel Tadeu Miguel Tadeu [88833e] First files
 CMakeLists.txt 2012-03-15 Miguel Tadeu Miguel Tadeu [ac4d0f] Remove 'languages' from build for now.
 README 2012-03-16 Miguel Tadeu Miguel Tadeu [1b36f5] Added a README
 database.kdev4 2012-03-16 Miguel Tadeu Miguel Tadeu [1b36f5] Added a README
 mysqldump.conf 2012-03-15 Miguel Tadeu Miguel Tadeu [88833e] First files

Read Me


This project aims to give kdevelop the the tools to facilitate the interaction
with databases. The purpose is to ease and evolve the development process and
to avoid problems and dumb work.

For now, only MySQL is in scope, but maybe someday, other servers
will be taken into account. The most significant features planed are:

    - Import from database
        Import database objects into script files. With this aproach to database development
        you'll be able to source control your database structure, audit changes, branch, etc.
    - Export the scripts into the database
        You can deploy your code directly or generate a deploy script and execute it on several 
        databases. Independent of your connection, the deploy scrips is generated from the 
        differences between your code and the target database.
    - Code completion
        Include the database objects into the builtin code completion engine. The suggestions
        presented should be context sensitive, so when you type "my_table." you should get
        the fields from that table.
    - Schema view
        Browse the current schema, view and change data. View the objects properties.
    - Run queries against a database
        Write your SQL script and run it on a target database.
    - Script debug
        Write a stored procedure, a function or a simple query and debug it, giving you
        access to watch variables, step execution, etc.
    - Schema compilation and error reporting
        To build a schema file, the code will have to be validated and errors reported.
    - Generic deployment script generation
        Generate deployment scripts to run on several identical targets.
    - Pos-deployment script
        Populate tables or execute what ever necessary after deployment.
    - Object graphical model
        Graphical modelling of your database.
For MySQL support, some tools are necessary to be installed like mysqldbexport, 
mysqldbimport, mysqldiff and mysqlmetagrep. These tools are usualy installed
with MySQL Workbench.

How to use
    - Install MySQL Workbench, so that the tools are made available.
    - Build and install this project
        >cd build
        >cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` ..
        >make install
    - Open kdevelop and create a new project. You should have a new section called "Database" 
      and then, select "Database Project". Set the name and directory and it's done.
    - Right clicking on the project root will give you the oprations like importing and exporting

Features planed for version 0.1
    - Import database objects into script files
    - Export the scripts into the database