
#95 Calculation of event dates in title



first thanks for the software, it works quite well.
Since I'm one of these former Psion user, I miss one
function which I like on the (by the way very
excellent) calendar program of my Psion organizer.

I think it should be easy to implement.

Could you generate several functions which will serve
as variables in the tile of the repeated appointments ?

If I enter the birthday of someone, I like to tell the
program please repeat these every year start at the
year of birth. This works fine already.
Nice would be to say: Please show me the number of
recurrences (in this case the age of the person). Every
year the program will automatic increase this number of
course. Furthermore, other functions could be useful as

Mister John Do (34 years)
Mister John Do (35 years)
Mister John Do (36 years)
Mister John Do (37 years)

From a date in the future count down (either yearly,
monthly, daily, how much time left) and write this
information in the title of the event. E.g. to create
titles like

5 meetings left until the conference start
4 meetings left until the conference start
3 meetings left until the conference start

Remind me after: Set a associate event e.g. X days
after the original happen. This could be useful e.g. to
check whether the task was really done.

Something like:

14 days ago, task X should be finished please check

It would be nice if these functions could be use as
variable inside the title

%by calculate the years from the first event up to now
%bm calculate the month from the first event up to now
%bd calculate the days from the first event up to now
%bn calculate the number of events from the first event
up to now

%ey, %em, %ed and %en to calculate from now until the
last event. (There should be a special case for
infinite repeating events)

just a quick idea ;)




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