From: Michał D. <mic...@gm...> - 2019-10-01 16:22:32
Hi, I'm Michał Dybczak and I'm just a quiet observer or I was till now. I'm also an average Plasma users for ca. 5 years. I noticed the change of translation between "Anuluj" and "Zaniechaj" right away after some update many months ago. I was confused and angry at first but I kinda got use to it, but I still don't like it."Poniechaj" would be a complete disaster as this word is incredibly rarely used. One could say it's not a modern Polish anymore. I can't even remember when I saw or heard "Poniechaj" the last time. I would rather expect my grandma to use it but not a young person. Seeing it in the OS would be a shock and not a pleasant one. So Zaniechaj is bad, but Poniechaj is a catastrophe. Here are the points I want to raise: 1. Community KDE is a community driven project so huge and strongly affecting changes should be always consulted with the community and never decided by the one person. The switch from Anuluj to Zaniechaj is one of such basic and strongly affecting changes that cannot be left to one person. In this case a simple pool could be an answer. It would have to be active for several months at least as the change is not time sensitive. Were there any issues raised with the usage of Anuluj? What was the reason for the change? So far we have a community uproar, general dissatisfaction and annoyance because of that change. We can see this in this bug report: It's good to remember that most people don't know how to use bugtrackers, nor they even know that they exist in the first place so only a small percentage of community raised their voice about it. I also wasn't aware of that thread till recently. I recently learned that there is not much community around translation packages. I hope this could be changed. I'll ask around, maybe there could be an article presenting how to join or help with translation. Also the incoming switch to Gitlab is a good opportunity to join it. Mailing list are obsolete and hard to use (where to join, at which email to post, how is the development work done, etc.). 2. KDE philosophy Simple by default, powerful when needed. That statement is a nice one but it's more a wishful thinking. KDE software is so powerful and full of options that it's never simple by default, no matter what we do. There is simply too many options and differences in comparison to other environments or OSes. However, we can strive for it to be more intuitive, welcoming and that is the core point of that philosophy. As Albert Astals noticed, "we're not here to create new terminology" or in other words, KDE is not like Gnome where we introduce new solutions against community. KDE was always presenting a very classical, Windows alike setup to implement familiarity. KDE introduce new things, options, tools and by improving and fine tuning things, not by introducing alien concepts. It's anyway hard to learn and find your way out among so many options for newbies. We should avoid creating usage frictions without extremely important reason. without extremely important reason. 3. Confusion There is enough friction and learning curve for new users. Changing Cancel to Zaniechaj is another part of creating that friction and confusion for the new users. Cancel as Anuluj is been established for over 20 years now, everyone understands it and this is de facto a technical standard language that affects every user. It's not about being linguistically correct. It's about wording that is familiar and widely understood by almost all users. Zaniechaj might only appeal to some completely new, old and non technical users who never had any prior experience with computers but that is an incredibly small niche. Besides, seeing Zaniechaj for Cancel and Zastosuj for Apply, two words starting with Z can lead to easy mistakes. Having two distinctly written words is simply better and clearer on the long run. In the end, aa...@kd... Albert Astals Cid worded it perfectly: "(...) we need to use the terms they know and expect." I join to the request to change the translation back. I can no longer be silent because the current translation is opposing the KDE spirit and creating unnecessary problems and is against KDE spirit. Such details matter so let's bring back the familiar and comprehensive Anuluj. 20+ years is enough to create a strong usage case for a word. Hopefully, the community will become more active because of this issue, because it was standing too long on shoulders of few people. Their work is huge and rarely appreciated, so if we want to make change, we must take action ourselves. Thank you Michał Dybczak |