
KDC2TIFF Image Conversion Utility / News: Recent posts

email change for developer

Please note that the address no longer works for sending comments to the developer of this project (ie. me). Please use the address chris,studholme*utoronto,ca (, is .; * is @) to send me any comments, questions, etc. Thanks.

Posted by Chris Studholme 2003-05-28

kdc2tiff does not support DC40/50

I've been getting regular emails asking about support for DC40/50 kdc files in kdc2tiff. Let me reitterate here what is already in the documentation, kdc2tiff does not read DC40/50 kdc files. The reasons for this are not that I just haven't had a chance to look at a DC40/50 kdc file and include support for it. The reasons are much more serious.

First off, although a DC40/50 kdc file is really a tiff file just like the DC120 files, it does not adhere to the tiff specification to the same extent as the DC120 does. This means that standard tiff reading software will most likely choke on a DC40/50 file. This is not really a problem for me as I have a custom tiff reading library that I can use to read DC40/50 kdc files. ... read more

Posted by Chris Studholme 2001-02-03

kdc2tiff version 0.31

This version of kdc2tiff is a very minor update from version 0.30. You only need to download this version if you have not been successful in getting 0.30 to convert KDC images for you.

Posted by Chris Studholme 2000-03-08

Version 0.30 released

Version 0.30 has been released. New features include: improved de-bayerization accuracy (with performance decrease), option for fast de-bayerization, ability to read TIFF and JPEG files, default output size changed to 1200x900 for KDC files.

Posted by Chris Studholme 2000-01-19

KDC2TIFF Project Status

The KDC2TIFF project is in the process of being moved from it's former location at to sourceforge. Version 0.30 will be released sometime this week and has several new features. Please return to this site later this week to get the new version.

Posted by Chris Studholme 2000-01-17