
#15 Site manager daemon


How do I get this damn kbearsitemanage daemon out of
my system?!
Where does it start from? And why?!


  • Bj�rn Sahlstr�m

    Logged In: YES

    Well, is it the icon it self that bothers you, or the sitemanager
    daemon ?
    If it's just the icon then open the sitemanager, in the top of the
    dialog there is a check box for showing/hiding the icon.
    The daemon is a bit more trickier. The sitemanager is a so
    called plugin for KBear that also plugs into Konqueror. As long
    as there is an active sitemanager plugin it checks every 5
    secs if the database daemon is running, if not, it starts it. Thats
    why it pops up again for you. On the other end, the daemon, it
    checks every 30 secs if there is any active sitemanager
    plugin, if not it shut it self down. The reason for this behaviour
    is that the contents in the sitemanager is stored in a XML
    database managed by the daemon. So if you make changes in
    one sitemanager all other active sitemanagers gets updated
    directly. You can test this by open the sitemanager from KBear
    and one from konq and make changes to one of them. The
    other one should then change as soon as you save your
    This means that the daemon will run as long as you have
    KBear or Konqueror open (in icon or listview mode). You can
    manually remove the plugin from Konqueror by removing the

  • Bj�rn Sahlstr�m

    • assigned_to: nobody --> kbjorn

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