
usbb2k-api-mod & FT-102

  • Sloppy McNubble

    Sloppy McNubble - 2009-11-27

    Hello, Im using Ubuntu 9.10, I have installed usbb2k-api-mod 2.8-1 and kb2kskype. I have a Yealink USB phone, here is the line from lsusb:

    > Bus 008 Device 002: ID 6993:b001
    > Freshtel FT-102 VoIP USB Phone

    When I run usbb2k_api in debug mode, I get this output:

        usbb2k_api: Yealink device found on bus 008
        usbb2k_api: ERROR: unsuported Yealink device. I only support B2G and B3K
        usbb2k_api: ERROR initializing Yealink device

    Ive read elsewhere that the FT-102 is suppported.. is this something you can help with or do I need to find the usbb2k developer?


  • ClareOldie

    ClareOldie - 2009-11-27

         Bus 001 Device 006: ID 6993:b001  Freshtel FT-102 VoIP USB Phone

    I have this device working for a couple of years.
    The tag on the device identifies it as USB-B2K
    From the ID we have similar devices.

    I am using an older version of usbb2k-api-mod as the newer one causes problems for me.
    Running PCLinuxOS.

  • Sloppy McNubble

    Sloppy McNubble - 2009-11-28

    OK thanks I knew I had seen that some have been able to use it.. Ill try one of the older versions and see if that helps.

  • Sloppy McNubble

    Sloppy McNubble - 2009-11-28

    Well Im able to get this response with usbb2k-api-mod 2.2:


    But thats it.. RING 1, RING 2, etc does nothing and nothing is received when I press buttons on the phone.. Any other tips?

  • ClareOldie

    ClareOldie - 2009-11-29


    Was this working previously?
    Is there any possibility that some wiring is wrong/disconnected?
    I have no idea why it would report the handset as off hook …. but that would explain why there is no ringing.

  • ClareOldie

    ClareOldie - 2009-11-29

        usbb2k-api-mod 2.2:

    I just spotted the above ……. is this a very old version?
    If so try the previous to current version.
    Remember I am using a different OS so that may not apply to you.

  • Simon_6162

    Simon_6162 - 2009-11-30

    You want a version of usbb2k before the re-write which should be somthing like 2.3, and you will have to build it from source. Check out the project webpage for instructions.

    you should be ok with the latest kb2kskype though, if you want to use it from a  binary then just force the install and ignore the dependancies.  Make sure if you haven't got a PSTN line plugges in you have the box set to USB mode otherwise you won't get anything.

  • ChangedSoul

    ChangedSoul - 2012-04-12

    clareoldie, hey, I might have a suggestion. I found when I was playing around with the source, and testing a tweak in the usbb2k_api, I had to run it with the -f parameter. Otherwise I got nothing at all from it.

    When I knew it was working with the -f switch, I then had to make it start with the init script at bootup otherwise it did nothing for me. So if you run it manually with the -f switch and it works, the it might just be something in the init script that needs tweaking?

  • ClareOldie

    ClareOldie - 2012-04-15

                              Thanks for the suggestion ……  I will hopefully get back to trying this device soon and have taken note of this.


  • ClareOldie

    ClareOldie - 2012-04-16

                            that '-f' option did the trick!
    Thank you very much!  I would not have thought to look at options for that daemon!

    I have it working presently out of a temporary directory, but all is good.

    I am using a current PCLinuxOS KDE install.

    I am delighted to have the device working again  :D



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