
PCLOS & new api-mod

  • ClareOldie

    ClareOldie - 2009-07-22

    I tried the new api-mod for PCLOS today (usbb2k-api-mod-pclos2009) and had to revert to the older one as communication between the B2k Controller and the Telbox seemed to fail completely. All is still OK using the pclos2007 package.

    Just a heads-up  ;)

  • ClareOldie

    ClareOldie - 2009-09-30

    Seems it may be   kbkskype 0.3.8-1pclos2009 that is causing the problems. Installing 0.3.7-1pclos2007 gets everything working again - according to reports on the pclos forum anyway.

    The B2K Controller with Twinkle on its page needs to be changed for the older package and then all is OK.

  • ClareOldie

    ClareOldie - 2009-09-30

    I decided to try installing both new packages to see the effect on my working PCLOS system. The following errors show up in the Controller window, the first two when powering up and the others when I tried to change from USB to PSTN and back.
    The relay in the telbox, which I can usually hear when performing this, did not 'click'.

        Error Sending command Code 8 (from telbox)
        Error Sending command Code 8 (from telbox)
        Error Sending command Code 7 (from telbox)
        Error Sending command Code 2 (from telbox)
        Error Sending command Code 7 (from telbox)
        Error Sending command Code 2 (from telbox)
        Error Sending command Code 7 (from telbox)
        Error Sending command Code 2 (from telbox)

    I haven't rebooted since but would not expect that to make a difference ….

  • ClareOldie

    ClareOldie - 2009-09-30

            I did a reboot with the two newer packages installed and on launching Skype and B2K Controller I got the error that kb2kskype daemon was not running.
         It appears, on checking, that the startup script for the daemon

    >     /etc/rc.d/init.d/usbb2k-api

       is not present on the system.
    By launching the daemon manually I could launch the B2K Controller, but it errored out as previously reported.

    Seems the best option for the moment is to revert to the older packages which have been running without error for some time.



  • ClareOldie

    ClareOldie - 2009-11-27

    Just to post an update to this …… I have been successfully running the following combination of packages sinc the above posts

        kb2bskype                 0.3.8-1pclos2009
        usbb2k-api-mod       2.8-1pclos2007

    Hopefully that helps others who met with problems using the 2009 version of usbb2k-api-mod.



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