
cannot dial

  • sl6xx

    sl6xx - 2007-02-06


    I have the skype box hooked on my linux which is running CentOS 4.4.  The proprietary driver just doesn't work with Skype 1.3.  Then I found your project.

    I installed the driver daemon and the client successfully.  It's not that difficult.  Just install the gcc/gcc-c++ rpms and make a sym link for automake.

    I then tried to use the client.  Everthing seems fine.  I can see my contacts from the B2K Controller.  I can even talk to others thru my handset if I pick up someone from inside skype.   But I just cannot dial.  I do hear ring tones from the handset.  Here's what I've got from /var/log/messages:

    Feb  6 11:11:53 efwtest usbb2k_api[5252]: usbb2k init ok
    Feb  6 11:11:56 efwtest usbb2k_api[5252]: Init usb
    Feb  6 11:11:58 efwtest usbb2k_api[5252]: Init usb
    Feb  6 11:11:58 efwtest usbb2k_api[5252]: RECV CMD:[SWITCH USB]
    Feb  6 11:11:58 efwtest usbb2k_api[5252]: Thread USB
    Feb  6 11:12:00 efwtest usbb2k_api[5252]: error: 0
    Feb  6 11:12:00 efwtest usbb2k_api[5252]: handset Error

    Thanks for any help.

    • sl6xx

      sl6xx - 2007-02-06

      Just found more error messages from the terminal that I am running the client like below:

      [root@efwtest ~]# kb2kskype
      kbuildsycoca running...
      DCOP Cleaning up dead connections.
      QInputContext: no input method context available
      QInputContext: no input method context available

    • Simon_6162

      Simon_6162 - 2007-02-06

      Ok i need a bit more information, and I'll ask the obvious first!

      Stupid question number 1. Are you pressing the # key at the end of your number.
      Stupid question number 2. Are you using the internation dialing code (e.g. 0044 for uk)
      Stupid question number 3. Did you say yes when skype asked if you wanted to allow kb2kskype to connect to it ?

      Fault finding:
      Turn off kb2kskype (if its running )
      Make sure the driver deamon running. (/etc/init.d/usbb2k-api status)
      open a terminal and change directory to the usbb2k-api/tools/ directory.(you should have run configure and make on the whole directory first)
      run the command
      ./api_connect /tmp/usbb2k.sock

      When you pick up and put down the phone you should get the events on the screen of when you do with the hand set can you let me know if this part is working, and if not show me everything relevent from the system log. To kill the program press ctrl+c

    • sl6xx

      sl6xx - 2007-02-07

      Thanks for your reply.  The three questions aren't silly at all.  But I'm sure there's nothing wrong.  For similar setup I already have a working system running Windows XP.  The most recent version of Skype for Linux just doesn't popup asking for yes when I run the proprietary Linux driver.  Hopefully I'll replace this system as soon as I have your driver working.  Anyway.  Here's what I've got as per your instruction.  The message I saw from the console running api_connect.  I pick up and down and up the handset and press 00886#, and hang up.  The I press ctrl-c to exit.

      [root@efwtest tools]# service usbb2k-api status
      usbb2k_api is running
      [root@efwtest tools]# ./api_connect /tmp/usbb2k.sock
      Trying to connect...
      RECV> KEY  00
      RECV> KEY  00
      RECV> KEY  08
      RECV> KEY  08
      RECV> KEY  06
      RECV> KEY  0c

      [root@efwtest tools]#

      Messages that I received from /var/log/messages:
      Feb  7 17:31:12 efwtest usbb2k_api[6302]: usbb2k init ok
      Feb  7 17:31:21 efwtest usbb2k_api[6302]: Init usb
      Feb  7 17:31:21 efwtest usbb2k_api[6302]: Thread USB
      Feb  7 17:36:39 efwtest usbb2k_api[6302]: Client disconnect

      Hope this will help resolve the problem.

    • Simon_6162

      Simon_6162 - 2007-02-07

      Ok well that means the handset it talking to kb2kskype which is one good thing. Then next one is to work how come the kb2kskype isn't talking to skype.

      Which skype package are you running with ? as in Dynamic binary tar.bz2, rpm for fc 3/4 ?

      Can you edit the file src/skypeapidlg.cpp
      un comment the following lines: (remove the // at the start )

      I'll add a debug flag to enable and disable these in th next build now that I think of it.

      Save then re-compile the program. You will get a lot of messages appear in the lover text area on the kb2kskype application. Can you post that here and we can see what is going on.


    • sl6xx

      sl6xx - 2007-02-08

      Hello Simon,

      I uncomment those linkes and got following errors:

      skypeapidlg.cpp: In member function `void SkypeAPI::sendMessage(QString*)':
      skypeapidlg.cpp:237: error: `commandLine' was not declared in this scope
      skypeapidlg.cpp:237: warning: unused variable 'commandLine'
      make[2]: *** [skypeapidlg.o] Error 1
      make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/sysadm/usbb2k/kb2kskype/src'
      make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
      make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/sysadm/usbb2k/kb2kskype'
      make: *** [all] Error 2

      Any idea?

    • Simon_6162

      Simon_6162 - 2007-02-08

      Don't uncomment that line 237, that was from the original skype demo api and isn't used any more sorry.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2007-02-09

      Hi, compiling on Kubuntu Dapper, all is OK, I get my contacts but the keyboard does not work.
      Here is the debug:

      Trying to connect...

      Any idea? Thanks

    • Alatariel

      Alatariel - 2007-02-09

      has any of you tried to blacklist the on some distributions pre-loaded yealink kernel module?
      It seemed to solve some of my problems ...

      blacklist yealink
      to /etc/modprobe.conf


      put that line in a file in

      for you on kubuntu try the troubleshooting steps I use under Kubuntu
      (was the earlier version though, haven't tried the one with the speed dials yet :-/ ...)

      • sl6xx

        sl6xx - 2007-02-26

        I added the "blacklist yealink" into /etc/modprobe.conf.  My system running CentOS 4.4 then gave me "ignoring bad line starting with "blacklist"".

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2007-02-09

      OK, did the blacklisting, now the test looks like this:

      Trying to connect...
      RECV> KEY  13

      and that's all. Any further attempts look as:

      Trying to connect...

      Then it does not react to any keypress or anything..

      Any more debugging I could do?

      Thanks Josef

    • Simon_6162

      Simon_6162 - 2007-02-13

      sl6xx: can you add the line below to line 503 of skypeapidlg.cpp
      logWindow->append("<font color=green>b2k command:" + *message + "</font>\n");

      so that it looks like this :
      //send commands from the box to skype
      //also contains the speed dial compare and send code
      void SkypeAPI::gotB2KMessage(QString* message){
          logWindow->append("<font color=green>b2k command:" + *message + "</font>\n");
          //        You put down the phone

      Post back only the green text that is displayed in the lower text area. (I removed your previous post as it had all your contacts listed!)
      Can you confirm that when you press the # symbol on your phone you get RECV> KEY 0c  when using api_connect. If you don't tell me what key does give you KEY 0c!

      Josef Prusa:
      Can you download and install usbview (might have to be from source on kubuntu)
      The first time you connect and can get connected can you load up usbview and look at the usb voip phone (click on the name on the left tab) and take a copy of everything in the right hand panel. then if you disconnect and try again and it fails do the same thing and paste back the results.

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2007-02-14


        tried adding the code, here is the result:

        Connected to usb device!
        Connected to usb device!
        b2k command:HANDSET OFF

        when I press anything (or lift the handset).

        ..and that's all. I get nothing more untill I shut the app down and reload. Doesn't matter what I press, I always get HANDSET OFF.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2007-02-14

      And here is the USB phone from USBview:

      VOIP USB Phone          
      Manufacturer: Yealink Network Technology Ltd.
      Speed: 12Mb/s (full)
      USB Version:  1.01
      Device Class: 00(>ifc )
      Device Subclass: 00
      Device Protocol: 00
      Maximum Default Endpoint Size: 64
      Number of Configurations: 1
      Vendor Id: 6993
      Product Id: b001
      Revision Number:  0.00

      Config Number: 1
          Number of Interfaces: 4
          Attributes: 80
          MaxPower Needed: 500mA

          Interface Number: 0
              Name: snd-usb-audio
              Alternate Number: 0
              Class: 01(audio)
              Sub Class: 1
              Protocol: 0
              Number of Endpoints: 0

          Interface Number: 1
              Name: snd-usb-audio
              Alternate Number: 0
              Class: 01(audio)
              Sub Class: 2
              Protocol: 0
              Number of Endpoints: 0

          Interface Number: 1
              Name: snd-usb-audio
              Alternate Number: 1
              Class: 01(audio)
              Sub Class: 2
              Protocol: 0
              Number of Endpoints: 1

                  Endpoint Address: 82
                  Direction: in
                  Attribute: 1
                  Type: Isoc
                  Max Packet Size: 16
                  Interval: 1ms

          Interface Number: 2
              Name: snd-usb-audio
              Alternate Number: 0
              Class: 01(audio)
              Sub Class: 2
              Protocol: 0
              Number of Endpoints: 0

          Interface Number: 2
              Name: snd-usb-audio
              Alternate Number: 1
              Class: 01(audio)
              Sub Class: 2
              Protocol: 0
              Number of Endpoints: 1

                  Endpoint Address: 04
                  Direction: out
                  Attribute: 1
                  Type: Isoc
                  Max Packet Size: 16
                  Interval: 1ms

          Interface Number: 3
              Name: (none)
              Alternate Number: 0
              Class: 03(HID  )
              Sub Class: 0
              Protocol: 0
              Number of Endpoints: 1

                  Endpoint Address: 81
                  Direction: in
                  Attribute: 3
                  Type: Int.
                  Max Packet Size: 16
                  Interval: 20ms

      Here it is after it has failed..

      VOIP USB Phone          
      Manufacturer: Yealink Network Technology Ltd.
      Speed: 12Mb/s (full)
      USB Version:  1.01
      Device Class: 00(>ifc )
      Device Subclass: 00
      Device Protocol: 00
      Maximum Default Endpoint Size: 64
      Number of Configurations: 1
      Vendor Id: 6993
      Product Id: b001
      Revision Number:  0.00

      Config Number: 1
          Number of Interfaces: 4
          Attributes: 80
          MaxPower Needed: 500mA

          Interface Number: 0
              Name: snd-usb-audio
              Alternate Number: 0
              Class: 01(audio)
              Sub Class: 1
              Protocol: 0
              Number of Endpoints: 0

          Interface Number: 1
              Name: snd-usb-audio
              Alternate Number: 0
              Class: 01(audio)
              Sub Class: 2
              Protocol: 0
              Number of Endpoints: 0

          Interface Number: 1
              Name: snd-usb-audio
              Alternate Number: 1
              Class: 01(audio)
              Sub Class: 2
              Protocol: 0
              Number of Endpoints: 1

                  Endpoint Address: 82
                  Direction: in
                  Attribute: 1
                  Type: Isoc
                  Max Packet Size: 16
                  Interval: 1ms

          Interface Number: 2
              Name: snd-usb-audio
              Alternate Number: 0
              Class: 01(audio)
              Sub Class: 2
              Protocol: 0
              Number of Endpoints: 0

          Interface Number: 2
              Name: snd-usb-audio
              Alternate Number: 1
              Class: 01(audio)
              Sub Class: 2
              Protocol: 0
              Number of Endpoints: 1

                  Endpoint Address: 04
                  Direction: out
                  Attribute: 1
                  Type: Isoc
                  Max Packet Size: 16
                  Interval: 1ms

          Interface Number: 3
              Name: usbfs
              Alternate Number: 0
              Class: 03(HID  )
              Sub Class: 0
              Protocol: 0
              Number of Endpoints: 1

                  Endpoint Address: 81
                  Direction: in
                  Attribute: 3
                  Type: Int.
                  Max Packet Size: 16
                  Interval: 20ms
      And here it is after a reconnect (different USB port)
      VOIP USB Phone          
      Manufacturer: Yealink Network Technology Ltd.
      Speed: 12Mb/s (full)
      USB Version:  1.01
      Device Class: 00(>ifc )
      Device Subclass: 00
      Device Protocol: 00
      Maximum Default Endpoint Size: 64
      Number of Configurations: 1
      Vendor Id: 6993
      Product Id: b001
      Revision Number:  0.00

      Config Number: 1
          Number of Interfaces: 4
          Attributes: 80
          MaxPower Needed: 500mA

          Interface Number: 0
              Name: snd-usb-audio
              Alternate Number: 0
              Class: 01(audio)
              Sub Class: 1
              Protocol: 0
              Number of Endpoints: 0

          Interface Number: 1
              Name: snd-usb-audio
              Alternate Number: 0
              Class: 01(audio)
              Sub Class: 2
              Protocol: 0
              Number of Endpoints: 0

          Interface Number: 1
              Name: snd-usb-audio
              Alternate Number: 1
              Class: 01(audio)
              Sub Class: 2
              Protocol: 0
              Number of Endpoints: 1

                  Endpoint Address: 82
                  Direction: in
                  Attribute: 1
                  Type: Isoc
                  Max Packet Size: 16
                  Interval: 1ms

          Interface Number: 2
              Name: snd-usb-audio
              Alternate Number: 0
              Class: 01(audio)
              Sub Class: 2
              Protocol: 0
              Number of Endpoints: 0

          Interface Number: 2
              Name: snd-usb-audio
              Alternate Number: 1
              Class: 01(audio)
              Sub Class: 2
              Protocol: 0
              Number of Endpoints: 1

                  Endpoint Address: 04
                  Direction: out
                  Attribute: 1
                  Type: Isoc
                  Max Packet Size: 16
                  Interval: 1ms

          Interface Number: 3
              Name: usbfs
              Alternate Number: 0
              Class: 03(HID  )
              Sub Class: 0
              Protocol: 0
              Number of Endpoints: 1

                  Endpoint Address: 81
                  Direction: in
                  Attribute: 3
                  Type: Int.
                  Max Packet Size: 16
                  Interval: 20ms

    • Simon_6162

      Simon_6162 - 2007-02-25

      Sorry for the slow reply I've been away.

      Josef can you do the following and post all the output:
      Turn off kb2kskype (if its running )
      Make sure the driver deamon running. (/etc/init.d/usbb2k-api status)
      open a terminal and change directory to the usbb2k-api/tools/ directory.(you should have run configure and make on the whole directory first)
      run the command 
      ./api_connect /tmp/usbb2k.sock
           pick up the phone and press 0123456789*# and then hang up the phone.
           press ctrl + c
      /etc/init.d/usbb2k-api status
           if still running
      ./api_connect /tmp/usbb2k.sock
           if no error,
                 pick up the phone and press 0123456789*# and then hang up the phone.
                 press ctrl + c
           if error
                 press ctrl+c
                 /etc/init.d/usbb2k-api status
                 ./api_connect /tmp/usbb2k.sock

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2007-02-25

      OK, here are the results(stars used as dividers):
      root@test:./api_connect /tmp/usbb2k.sock
      Trying to connect...

      Picked up the handset - but AFTER the "HANDSET OFF" message, pressed all the buttons, put the handset back, pressed Ctrl-c. No other output.

      root@test:/etc/init.d/usbb2k-api status
      usbb2k_api is running
      root@test:./api_connect /tmp/usbb2k.sock
      Trying to connect...

      Ctrl-C and once more

      root@test:/etc/init.d/usbb2k-api status
      usbb2k_api is running
      root@test:./api_connect /tmp/usbb2k.sock
      Trying to connect...

      And again - picked up the handset - but AFTER the "HANDSET OFF" message, pressed all the buttons, put the handset back, pressed Ctrl-c. No other output.

      Looks like some more debugging is needed here.

    • mgoo11

      mgoo11 - 2007-03-02


      I am trying to run this on a slax live CD at the moment and have very similar problems. To compound this I am fairly new to linux and after some time searching I can't find the directory
      "change directory to the usbb2k-api/tools/ directory"

      Can someone be a little more specific as to the whereabouts of this directory or maybe give me a filename in that directory to search for.


    • Alatariel

      Alatariel - 2007-03-06

      perhaps you could try the package I built on a CentOS4 box?
      and -please- do report back anything which perhaps does not work or does not work as expected! I would need some feedback too :)


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